M1X - warm tint, comparison shot Fenix TA30 and FINALLY a pic that shows the warmth


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 5, 2007

Another EDIT: this is more or less what it looks like to my eye (maybe just a wee bit whiter), i had to compensate the exposure to -1.0 and set the white balance to cloudy


EDIT: 31/12/2009

Happy New Year to all CPF-ers, i tried to take a comparison shot with my TA30 on high but to my eye, the pictures simply dont do justice to the warm tint of the M1X.

Below: Fenix TA30 (2x17500) on max, range roughly 8 ft to the wall


Below: M1X (2x18500) on max same range


Below: comparison shot between the TA30 and M1X


The M1X is actually warmer than appears in the pic

added a comparison shot of a small red foot carpet, using my G2 with LF HO-9, somehow it still looks whiter in the pics than they do in real life, think i need to borrow my brother's G9.

was picking up my TA30 after some repairs (17500 got stuck in the barrel and refused to be moved) and was told that there was an M1X in a warm tint in stock!

Warm tinted MC-E?? No way, i said.

The light was produced, clicked on, and i grabbed it immediately and paid up. Man, this is a great light!!

Anyone else have one too?

SF G2 with LF HO-9 on 2xRCR123


M1X Warm on 2x18500


control shot taken with flash


control shot (no flash)


M1x warm


M1X warm compared with TK20


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Re: M1X - warm tint, love it !!

Recently got a SECOND M1X - and noticed it was warm-tinted! Yes, VERY nice....

M1X rules!!!:thumbsup:
Re: M1X - warm tint, love it !!

is it just that batch that turned out with a warmer tint than normal or is the LED meant to give a warm tint?
Re: M1X - warm tint, love it !!

That's what I would like to know. My M1X has a much nicer tint to that of my Olight M30 which is very blue.

They haven't too my knowledge advertised a "warm" version, maybe it was an accident :shrug:
Re: M1X - warm tint, love it !!

nope mine is specifically warm tinted, much warmer than my TK20. Will take some shots later and post.
Re: M1X - warm tint, love it !!

My M1X (bought two weeks ago) seems to be warm tint compared to my R2 (which I also thought was supposed to be warmish, but looks more blue).
Re: M1X - warm tint, love it !!

I wonder if that's one of the changes that was made on this most recent batch? Is it a grey or OD model?
Re: M1X - warm tint, love it !!

was picking up my TA30 after some repairs (17500 got stuck in the barrel and refused to be moved)

A little sidenote:

You can always use another battery (or something similar), superglue the end of it to the stuck battery. Wait awhile for the glue to cure and then pull it out. After that, separate the batts and clean. Easy way to remove a stuck battery.
Re: M1X - warm tint, love it !!

A little sidenote:

You can always use another battery (or something similar), superglue the end of it to the stuck battery. Wait awhile for the glue to cure and then pull it out. After that, separate the batts and clean. Easy way to remove a stuck battery.

thks for the tip but i sincerely hope that i wont have to ever try it :D lucky that the dealer i got it from lives near me so it wasnt a great hassle to send it in.
Re: M1X - warm tint, love it !!

Are there any markings/labels on the box of the warm tint version that can differentiate it from the standard cool tint one?

Are ALL V4 versions warm tinted since they claim its brighter than the original?

How will I know that I'm getting the warm tint version and not the cool tint one?
Re: M1X - warm tint, love it !!

There are no markings on the boxes of either M1X I have (older OD cool tint / newer grey warm tint)...

Re: M1X - warm tint, love it !!

I recently picked up a M1X v4 and to my eyes I would say
it has a warm tint. The cornea, to me looks very yellow.
Re: M1X - warm tint, love it !!

That color used to mean your batteries were getting weak....I got a JetBeam M1X on its way via BBT....I wonder if it will be like that?

Edit...I thought it was coming UPS....the guy sent it usps....and they sent it to the wrong city. :(
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Re: M1X - warm tint, love it !! - a few beamshots added

Hi folks, well first i must say this is a great, great site, but its costing me too much money already, :D TK40, and now i just got today, an M1X in OD green, and what a lovely light it is.
The TK40 is a warm tint compared to the M1X.
Re: M1X - warm tint, love it !! - a few beamshots added

I'm dying here....:sick2:

BugOutGear doesn't have any of the warm tinted M1Xs in stock yet... and it seems it may be a few weeks before they do... :mecry:

What other online store offers reasonable shipping to Oz? :shrug:

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