Another EDIT: this is more or less what it looks like to my eye (maybe just a wee bit whiter), i had to compensate the exposure to -1.0 and set the white balance to cloudy

EDIT: 31/12/2009
Happy New Year to all CPF-ers, i tried to take a comparison shot with my TA30 on high but to my eye, the pictures simply dont do justice to the warm tint of the M1X.
Below: Fenix TA30 (2x17500) on max, range roughly 8 ft to the wall

Below: M1X (2x18500) on max same range

Below: comparison shot between the TA30 and M1X

The M1X is actually warmer than appears in the pic
EDIT: added a comparison shot of a small red foot carpet, using my G2 with LF HO-9, somehow it still looks whiter in the pics than they do in real life, think i need to borrow my brother's G9.
was picking up my TA30 after some repairs (17500 got stuck in the barrel and refused to be moved) and was told that there was an M1X in a warm tint in stock!
Warm tinted MC-E?? No way, i said.
The light was produced, clicked on, and i grabbed it immediately and paid up. Man, this is a great light!!
Anyone else have one too?
SF G2 with LF HO-9 on 2xRCR123

M1X Warm on 2x18500

control shot taken with flash

control shot (no flash)

M1x warm

M1X warm compared with TK20

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