m6 without bezel


Newly Enlightened
Jul 8, 2009
On a rock :P
What do you guys preffer? I was just wondering why all of the M6's on ebay has the combat bezel or some sort of bezel on it. Do people preffer them over flat heads or do they just not sell so well? To me, I like the m6 guardian w/out the bezel on but it seems so hard to find other than the main surefire site for 420 bucks...someone please help ;)
What do you guys preffer? I was just wondering why all of the M6's on ebay has the combat bezel or some sort of bezel on it. Do people preffer them over flat heads or do they just not sell so well? To me, I like the m6 guardian w/out the bezel on but it seems so hard to find other than the main surefire site for 420 bucks...someone please help ;)

Not sure what your question is junmae...they have to have a bezel on them...the only place you'll find one for sale with-out one, is here. Or are you asking why som any people sell them with the crenullated bezel and not the regular bezel??? Even the regualr bezel has small crenullations on it, so you can tell if the light's on when bezel down...
I believe there are 3 versions: small cren, large cren, and smooth bezel.

I'm sorry, I meant the cren bezels. I am looking for a smooth bezelm6 guardian. They seem very hard to come across :(

I'm sorry, I meant to say the smooth bezel. :p. In the surefire site the second one in the picture (m6-ha version) looked completely smooth so I thought they sold them like that.

Not sure what your question is junmae...they have to have a bezel on them...the only place you'll find one for sale with-out one, is here. Or are you asking why som any people sell them with the crenullated bezel and not the regular bezel??? Even the regualr bezel has small crenullations on it, so you can tell if the light's on when bezel down...

Yes I was wondering why most people sell them with the the crenellated bezel's on ebay.
Are looking for a new M6 or used? Does it have to be in perfect condition? I just bought a smooth bezel on EBAY recently with a minor scratch.
What do you guys preffer? I was just wondering why all of the M6's on ebay has the combat bezel or some sort of bezel on it. Do people preffer them over flat heads or do they just not sell so well? To me, I like the m6 guardian w/out the bezel on but it seems so hard to find other than the main surefire site for 420 bucks...someone please help ;)
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AFAIK, the smooth M6 bezels haven't been manufactured by Surefire in a long time. Somewhere around 5-6 years now. I'm sure others here can correct me as to the exact time-frame.

That's why you are/will have a difficult time finding them. Only the light crenellated and heavy crenellated combat bezels are currently being made.

The only other option besides looking around is to contact some of the modders here who make bezel rings to replace the stock crenellated one. One or more of them might offer smooth rings for sale.

Good luck!:)
AFAIK, the smooth M6 bezels haven't been manufactured by Surefire in a long time. Somewhere around 5-6 years now. I'm sure others here can correct me as to the exact time-frame.

That's why you are/will have a difficult time finding them. Only the light crenellated and heavy crenellated combat bezels are currently being made.

The only other option besides looking around is to contact some of the modders here who make bezel rings to replace the stock crenellated one. One or more of them might offer smooth rings for sale.

Good luck!:)

thanks! that helps a lot to know! :)
AFAIK, the smooth M6 bezels haven't been manufactured by Surefire in a long time. Somewhere around 5-6 years now. I'm sure others here can correct me as to the exact time-frame.

That's why you are/will have a difficult time finding them. Only the light crenellated and heavy crenellated combat bezels are currently being made.

+1 to that. Perhaps it's been 4-5 years but they haven't produced the flat ones for some time now. I personally favor the light crenelated version since it serves a practical purpose for most people by not letting us unintentionally leave the light on and face down. When it comes to custom SF bezels CPF member RPM is the master and at one time offered about 8 variations for the M6 in Titanium. Two of those versions were smooth which really looked great. I would have liked to have owned one of each.
I always favored the look of the lightly scalloped bezel until I got a smooth version. Now it is my favorite. It looks simple and classic.