Mafia anyone?

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Aug 4, 2007
Being a patriot in the fine state of PA
Greetings all, I don't know if anyone has ever heard of the party game mafia, but it's a very fun party game. However, a year or so ago, some guys on the other forum I frequent (don't worry, its not a light related forum) found a way to adapt it and play via forums. I've participated in NUMEROUS games and found it to extremely fun and a great way to pass time. So, my question is this, would anyone here at CPF be interested in playing a game of it? It involves about 9-12 people and is usually a lot of fun. I wouldn't participate because I would need to "run" the game (there is a "moderator" of game play). For those who don't know about the mafia game, here is a brief description of the game from wikipedia.

Mafia (also known as Werewolf or Assassin) is a party game modeling a battle between an informed minority and an uninformed majority. Players are secretly assigned roles: either "mafia", who know each other; or "townspeople", who know only the number of mafia amongst them. During the night phase of the game, the Mafia choose an innocent to kill. During the day phase, all players debate the identities of the Mafia and vote to kill someone whom the majority suspect. Players are eliminated until either all mafia are killed or the mafia outnumber the innocents. Mafia is rarely played in groups of fewer than five, and must always start with more innocents than mafia.
Full link is HERE

Basically, we have roles assigned, as townspeople or mafia, then we debate who is who during the day (usually a time from around 8AM to 10PM) for the sake of the game, we would use CPF standard time.

If anyone is interested post here, and I'll add your name to the list. If you want more info, feel free to PM me.


Hope people have interest! :thumbsup:

Before getting started, we'll close this until an administrative determination is made regarding suitability. Role playing games seem like something well suited for web communities dedicated to the social interaction of members. CPF is a topical board, with social interaction being incidental rather than the objective. Role playing focused on interaction by a closed group, and excluding the majority seems outside that objective.

Presently, this is but thoughts on my own. It could be I'm alone in my opinions. We'll get back to you.

It's been determined that this activity is not for the Cafe forum. Presently, we don't have a designated forum for such activity. This thread will remain closed.
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