Mag Extenders and compatible super-long (eg. 6C) bodies


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 10, 2004
At World's End
I was just thinking about the issue, mulling over the 1D extender I saw the other day. Think of what the A19 is to the Surefires and you have an idea of what the extender will do for you.

I can buy a 5D Mag locally, or I could simply put the extender on my 4D and get another D cell worth of battery out of it. That'd give me the flexibility to run 4D or 5D if I so desired. Great product. I think I might have to get one if if the bulb I want to overdrive can take the voltage.

Then I was reading about the Mag 6C, discontinued, extremely hard to find, and so on so forth.

Anybody considered building a 2C extender for existing 4C's which are still available?

Or, while we're talking, would it be cost-effective to build an entire 6C thread-compatible body allowing users to bolt on whatever heads and tails they desired?

I seem to recall that I have seen a M@G D extender for sale in the MP in the past.

Jesus Hernandez could probably make you a simple thread-on extender. Look for his tri & Quad boring /head finning services in the Modified MP....
I believe structural integrity would be a problem with extenders.
OK for shorter lengths, longer or multiples is what I'm talking about.

I'm sure the Big Leef system took this into consideration and the tube walls designed thicker to allow multiple sections to be used with strength.

Note the "I believe" and "I'm sure" disclaimers.

Liked your "simple quad cree" build by the way , going to try one of those myself.
I offered different sizes of M*g "D" extension, MC extension and M*g "C" extension in past.
These days, many peole wants to use IMR 26xxx inside M*g "C" body which needs body boring and makes the very tiny amount of material for threads which is not practical.
However, it is always possible to make a body from scratch like 5 IMR 26500.
How many people will buy a 6C cell M*g body for three digit $$$ and use with alkaline or NiMH?
I was just thinking about the issue, mulling over the 1D extender I saw the other day. Think of what the A19 is to the Surefires and you have an idea of what the extender will do for you.

I can buy a 5D Mag locally, or I could simply put the extender on my 4D and get another D cell worth of battery out of it. That'd give me the flexibility to run 4D or 5D if I so desired. Great product. I think I might have to get one if if the bulb I want to overdrive can take the voltage.

I have a 1D extender made by Jesus Hernandez. I installed the extender on a 4D Mag to run 6xIMR26500, powering an Osram 64440IRC controlled by a JM-PhD-D1 regulator.

For me, the 4D is a much better length than a 5D. But I needed the extra voltage to run the 64440IRC effectively. In 4D, I like my Mag setup with a 1909 bulb, JimmyM regulator, and FM 2.5" Throwmaster.