mag31 for a police agent?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
hi all...I'd like your advice for this thing...

yesterday my friend that is a LEO asked me for a light ( here in italy mag-lite is seen like the best flashlight in the word :ohgeez:), he do not know anything about good quality flashlight like surefire and when he tryed my 1,5D mag31 he was very surprised by the output...

Now here is the point: I haven't anything in contrary with selling or lending him my light but I'd like to know if it'll be reliable isn't a "wow light" but still a modded light...

thanks in advice!

I'm not a LEO, but there is just something about someone possibly trusting their life to a hotwire. The bulb is usually pushed to the limit and is prone to failure at any time. Maybe a Fenix or something a little more reliable than a modded light.

The above statement is my opinion and not to be used against me in any way. :)
Unless it's a Surefire incandescent light, I wouldn't recommend incans to LEOs. There are newer and brighter LED lights now in the market that are worth recommending to an LEO.
Unless it's a Surefire incandescent light, I wouldn't recommend incans to LEOs.

Oh please, do we need every LE thread to have this type of post. :shakehead There are plenty of good incans out there that are used regularly in LE and aren't a surefire and still worth recommending.

With the amount of use a LEO's light gets i don't recommend any light that isn't rechargeable and unfortunately that rules out a lot of SF lights but would include a lot of incans that you wouldn't recommend.

Back on topic, I do agree the reliability of the light may be of concern, although i must admit that i don't know much about this light. Perhaps someone who has some skill and knowledge with hotwires maybe able to offer more.
I wouldn't get him a hotwire if it uses custom bulbs and batteries. Main reason is he can't grab them from a fellow leo or store.

Not too familiar with LE in Italy, but buy him 2 lights. 1 can be something small and pocketable. It should use common batteries(AA). This will also act as his backup light. The next light can be primary duty and something bigger/brighter. If he likes Mag, what about a Mag with Malkoff or Elektrolumens? Or a P60 based LED so easy to upgrade and small.
Reportedly, Juancho has sold many of his Mag951, aka Borealis, lights to LEOs. I think, a hotwire would be fine as long as the officer also has a reliable backup.
+1 IcantC :thumbsup:

Ensuring a redundancy light is available is more than simply good practice, it's sheer common sense if not imperative... whilst I'm definitely not an LEO, I do rely heavily on my torches/flashlights whiie working in the Security field, in this particular scenario I'd definitely be leaning towards a P7 modded M@glite because...

A) The Mag body is an excellent robust host (which also works well as an impromptu impact device)

B) Parts are relatively easy to source in most regions of the world

C) Mag's have a decent selection of add-ons available

D) Mag's don't use exotic battery types (I'd recommend a high capacity NiMH D cell in this application)

E) Perhaps most important of all, it's superior output especially when compared to alternative drop-in style upgrades on the market

F) And lastly because if Eddie Bauer knew about them... he'd be using one! :D

BTW stitch_paradox ever hear of Streamlight? they make some pretty impressive rechargeable incandescent flashlights too! :thumbsup:
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As an LEO, I can assure you that incans do work and work well. I routinely use my RECHARGEABLE Streamlight Ultra Stinger because it is bright and durable and rechargeable. I have surefires, gladius, mags, and others, but the one I grab first is my Ultra Stinger. Most of the people on my department use rechargeables for normal duty work. Mags are great for impact weapons, but lack the power in my opinion. I have used my Streamlight for impact and it was very very effective. What can I say, it's my goto. I do like my Gladius for searching houses with gun drawn.
So in my opinion, get something that is powerfull, rechargeable, and durable.
thanks for your answers!

as trashman said there are some lights that are basically hotwire but are thought for LEo people...

I think I'll let my friend try...

maybe the best way is to carry two lights one bright (like a mag31/85/11...) and another with lot of runtime but reliable at SF G2 LED...

I anyone want to give any other advice I will be happy to hear them!:twothumbs
I agree that many hotwires may have been sold with LE and mind. I think they are the black bear lights. My only problem is, if out in the field, your light goes out you might be SOL.

If you carry a light issued by dept and a backup light, you can sometimes swap parts with fellow guys or your partner. Some do tend to carry spare batteries and bulbs and will lend you some.

Either way, you can get a hotwire and a second light as a backup. Since one can fail and you have another to fall back on. Same with firearm, always carry at least 2 on person...