Maglite with XP-E!


May 31, 2007
Hi there, i tried a mod.
3D maglite
3xD nimh
7135 based multimode driver
XP-E WC Q5 from Cutter on 10mm base
H22a heatsink for P7
Metal smooth reflector from KD

Modding was successful!
I am very pleased with the result!
I am getting 30000 lux at 1m, 1amp tailcap reading!
Hotspot is bigger than DBS and wider sidespill too of course.
For comparison DBS with UCL, 1,4+ amp and R2 WH is getting about 33000 lux.
Soon to come beamshots.

Just wanted to share the info with you, try it and you will be pleased!
Picture? Beamshot?

wall beamshots are useless. In a few hours,when night comes, i will post some outside beamshots to see(and for me too) the difference between a turbocharged DBS.
Will post a photo of the torch too, i guess most of people in here know how to make this mod there are a lot of guides,i will just show the final product!:twothumbs
what? 30000 lux with a Q5 XP-E and a mag reflector? i had a XP-E R2 mag at 1,2A.......didnt look like 30000 lux at all :confused:
I never pushed an XR-E that hard (+1.4A)... :crazy: ... but 33.000 lux at 1m... :eeksign:
Do everybody agree that 33000 lux for DBS is logical with a UCL, R2 and 1,4amp setting from a 7882 board? StefanFS has confirmed that and a lot of other reviewers say that DBS reaches 29000 lux stock version.
Wait a few minutes to post some beashots and tell me if there is a huge difference!
Nailbender is making me a 1D Camo with an XP-E at 1.5amps and focused with an aspheric lens for super throw. The heatsinking will be as if he was building a Mag P7.

I bet the aspheric from KD will work with yours too. The KD aspheric Kit is just awesome and you retain the flood feature.
Here we are, Canon 350D settings: 1/6 f4.5 iso400 except the one of the mod . Distance is about 70m.
The mod:

Control shot:



Who is not impressed?! I am now planning to put a better tint XP-E and a R2 core.
Nailbender is making me a 1D Camo with an XP-E at 1.5amps and focused with an aspheric lens for super throw. The heatsinking will be as if he was building a Mag P7.

I bet the aspheric from KD will work with yours too. The KD aspheric Kit is just awesome and you retain the flood feature.

Well i like as it is my mag. Maybe i shall try it sometime. But 1,5amp on a XP-E is too much. 700mA is max rated by Cree. 1amp is a logical push but 1,5amp is too much for such a small die at such a high amperage. I might try a bit more, up to 1,2amp but no more. So much heat in a very small area, It might make permanent damage very fast.
Although, when you consider that LED's are less than ten bucks a pop, burning it out with too much current may be worth the extra bit of light to some people. Replacement is always an option.
Also, the die is exactly the same in the XP-E the XR-E and the MC-E.
hmmm? no donut hole, how is that possible?

Nice isn't it? :thumbsup: I have donut hole only under 70 cm , then it is so smooth as it is an op!

I said that i did not used stock mag reflector but alu smooth KD V3.(it is supposed to have the same effect though,same geometry)
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Nice work ergotelis.

I haven't done an XP-E yet, but the Rebel's give similar performance judging by the beamshots.

They are almost useless up close, real laser beams for throw though.

Nice work ergotelis.

I haven't done an XP-E yet, but the Rebel's give similar performance judging by the beamshots.

They are almost useless up close, real laser beams for throw though.


I might try one rebel too, i think you are right.
It is like a laser beam but quite usefull i could say. The hotspot is nice and big enough for distances at about 50-100m. As you can see in the beamshots the area that has a high lux reading is bigger than that of a dbs, though Dbs might be more practical due to much brighter sidespill.
hey, lets but a stock mag reflector vs the kd smooth and i bet we weill c a bigger donut at any distance :tinfoil:
hey, lets but a stock mag reflector vs the kd smooth and i bet we weill c a bigger donut at any distance :tinfoil:

I've used Rebel's (similar radiation pattern) with the factory reflector and there isn't a donut hole at distances greater than arms length.

It is like a laser beam but quite usefull i could say.

Oops, I didn't actually mean that it wasn't useful, just that its a very concentrated beam with gobs of throw.

A Neutral tint XP-E or a Neutral tint Rebel would be awesome.

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Don't the new Magleds use rebels? I wonder what the efficiency and drive levels are. I doubt they're anything close to this. This is a really nice build btw.:popcorn:
Don't the new Magleds use rebels? I wonder what the efficiency and drive levels are. I doubt they're anything close to this. This is a really nice build btw.:popcorn:

I started the project just for fun and now i am really impressed by the result. I didn't expect that performance. I ve already ordered some WG tint R2 and thinking of ordering some neutral tint XP-E's. Also a bit more powerfull driver for up to 1,2amp and the build is superb!:twothumbs
I am actually pushing them at 1.4 amps and well heat sinked. I figure they are rated at 50,000 hours if I push them and they only get 25,000 hours Welllll by then there will be something else out there that we all will have to have.

I think Saberwolf are JTS or someone with supper cooling have pushed them alot more than that.
