malkoff 4-6D drop in question


Oct 29, 2008
Miami, FL
i was thinking about getting one of these for Christmas, here is my question.
How long do these bulbs last? if the bulb were to break or I wanted to replace it, how easy will it be to do so?
i know there suppose to last a long time, but i guess what I am really trying to figure out is, for a $60 dollar investment, how easy is it to replace a bulb or upgrade to a better bulb int he future
If somehow you do manage to break it, it should be pretty simple to replace. I think it should be untightening the drop-in and pulling it out to remove the drop-in.
taking out the malkoff is easy: just pull it out with a needlenose pliers. I have removed and replaced my 2-3D several times. This is just a drop-in, not a permanent mod. Now: replacing the LED on m's heatsink, not a clue.
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Buy it, you won't be disappointed. It won't break either, and carries a good warranty in case. Also get a pre-cut reflector that fits it, they are cheap enough and saves you the trouble of cutting your own. You can thus convert back if you so chose, but why?
Hopefully I can get it for Christmas, I got my UCL lens yesterday.

by "how easy is it to replace it" I mean the bulb, not the complete drop in. I read on the website the bulb can break if you touch it or get moisture or dirt on it. I am assuming these bulbs are tough, but not indestructible. So I am wondering how easy it would be to replace a broken or malfunctioning bulb if the problem were to arise.
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The dome on the LED is a soft gummy material. Once in the flashlight it should last almost indefinately, but if you mishandle it before installing it and knock them dome off or try to wipe it with a cloth and damage it the led will be ruined. In order to replace it you can either send it back to gene or solder a new one on yourself. That's inexpensive (a couple bucks at most) but will take a bit of skill at soldering to do properly.
The dome on the LED is a soft gummy material. Once in the flashlight it should last almost indefinately, but if you mishandle it before installing it and knock them dome off or try to wipe it with a cloth and damage it the led will be ruined. In order to replace it you can either send it back to gene or solder a new one on yourself. That's inexpensive (a couple bucks at most) but will take a bit of skill at soldering to do properly.

question answered thanks,,,

.oO(YODA,,,,Y-O-D-A, yoodaaa yo yo yo yo yoooodaaaaa)
I thought you meant the whole drop-in because a LED is not a bulb.

Like yoda said, if you do knock the dome of the LED off and break the LED, then either send it back to Gene or buy a new LED that works and swap it for the broken one.

If the LED seems dirty, try compressed air.