Malkoff shootout!! Wild Cat XPG vs. Hound Dog XPG vs. Hound Dog XML!!!


Jul 25, 2005
Here ya go, you cant go wrong with any of these, although I like th eHound XML, its like a Wildcat that throws as far as the XPG Hound!!!

The first set of shots were aimed at my owl house. :cool:

Mods, i hope my pics arent too big!! :eek:

200 Feet:







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I am looking at getting an XML. Those pics just gave me another reason. Thanks
Thanks for the pics!

Based on what I'm seeing here, am I correct in thinking that the XML HD is like combining the "flood" of the Wildcat and the "spot" of the XPG HD?

How's the throw on the XML HD compared to the Wildcat? I've got a v2 Wildcat, and am not sure the XML HD would add all that much.
Nice Pics PSM. I'm very curious to know how the Fenix TK35 compares to the XML HD and I know that you have the TK35 :D

Care to add these to your other beamshots or just to tell me in words?
How about putting a comparison in the Fenix thread? I'd love to see it.
Thanks for the heads up but I can't afford it. I keep buying lottery tickets. Maybe someday....
I LOVE U maaaaaaaan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the POST:clap::clap:
I was really torn between the wildcat or the XML. The HD XML is the one for me.
what sucks is i recieved an email that the XML was in stock at 3pm and i was out with the family then when i got home, poooof its all gone:shakehead oh well.

i have a question I like the MD3 body for the HD XML because of size. do i get more lumens by using MD4 body??? how about runtimes?? is it drastically longer because of 4 cr123?? if its brighter and longer runtimes with MD4 body then i think i found my light.
I don't think the MD4 is brighter, but in my MD4 the HD XM-L gives me 94 minutes of runtime.
Same head in the MD3 gives me 55 minutes of runtime.
I've never run primaries in my Malkoff's so I can't comment on them.
Great light, hope you can snag one someday!!
I don't think the MD4 is brighter, but in my MD4 the HD XM-L gives me 94 minutes of runtime.
Same head in the MD3 gives me 55 minutes of runtime.
I've never run primaries in my Malkoff's so I can't comment on them.
Great light, hope you can snag one someday!!

Thank u much for ur input. Maybe ill do the md4. Another question, why do a lot of people don't
Run primaries? well I know the most obvious answer, expensive. But besides that, does it run better?
Thanks for the heads up but I can't afford it. I keep buying lottery tickets. Maybe someday....

Maybe if you saved all the money that you spent on lottery tickets you would be able to afford one now and not someday in the future. :nana:
I was really torn between the wildcat or the XML. The HD XML is the one for me.

I was torn too, and like finally decided the HD XM-L was the one for me. So I ordered it, and guess what? I received a Wildcat instead. I took it as a sign, and paid for the Wildcat while they sent me the HD XM-L I'd originally ordered :)
Looking at the pics (from my iPhone) the WC seems to throw just as far as the HDs, I assume that is not the case in person?
If I am primarily interested in throw is the XML worth it, or does it just add flood to the HD beam? Thanks.
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The XP-G seems to throw about the same as the XML, do you think this is true? The XML obviously has a beautiful throw but it is hard to tell whether it does better in throw than other lights.
Can you compare it to anything else that is well known for throw?

I would love to get one and run it off of 2x 18500 batteries.

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