May need a 12-step program


Jul 25, 2007
Somewherein, Ohio
I found out about this site while discussing weapon-mounted lights on

It all seemed innocent enough; I was looking for a P60 drop-in and you guys knew about such things. Before you know it, I'm playing the Malkoff lottery, buying stuff from China (just to get my feet wet) and rushing home early to pick up all those packages before the wife sees them. I should have known then that I had a problem.

Here I am today. Never without a flashlight of some kind, I no longer think $150 is too much for a pocket light. My credit card bills are astronomical. Hell! I almost pulled the trigger on a Titan recently!!! I need help.

How have some of you dealt with this disease? :sick:
Oh Yeah! Sign me in please for the 12-step program. I think I have a major problem here :sick:
I deal with it by coming here everyday and being a high schooler. It's kinda hard to buy $100+ lights if your not even in college yet. :p

Best practical way is to ban CPF from any computer you usually use after you sell all but one good light.

Keep things on moderation and you should be fine.
Get in line , there is no "cure" ...Some people have tried to ease the pain with other vices but it just worsens it. Then when you think your got it under control, some inconsiderate fool mentions the name Atwood. Its all downhill from there... Just move to some jungle country with no electricity...
Off topic...Gunner..what is your Avatar? It's driving me crazy that I can't figure it out! ( Bad eyes...I'm an old guy)
"Just move to some jungle country with no electricity!!!" That would require the use of a lot more flashlights and batteries!!!! I would be in more trouble there!!
It's this screen shot form a PS2 game Burnout Revenge after I cropped it and shrunk it to size.

Back on topic:

There isn't really a cure for flashaholism. Just do it in moderation.
Haw haw I'm also in high school its annoying though because it is hard to buy expensive lights :(
The only thing I can offer to help is if you can find something frivilous that your wife spends money on (books, shoes, jewelry, etc.) and doesn't want to talk about. Use that whenever she says "Not another flashlight?!?!?".
Why would I need a cure... I don't have a problem! I don't need a cure, I don't want a cure!


Anyway after your initiation and mad rush to buy everything that shines, you'll likely find yourself going thru buying cycles. You'll drop a bunch of $ for a month then be fine for a couple months (and recover financially) then new stuff will be out and you'll drop another load of $. Eventually you'll grow out of the cute little light phase and start lusting after the big 'uns.
There are many possilbe outcomes and phases you'll probably go thru, but you'll always be one of us. You're stuck here now, welcome.
...I no longer think $150 is too much for a pocket light.
Same here. There was a time when $30 was to much to spend on a light, but $1500 was no problem for ceramic coated longtubes. My perspective has taken a complete 180 degree turn.
i convinced myself to be a "user" and not a "collector." so each of my lights (and other EDC purchases) have a specific function, with limited overlap. yes, theres a lot of functions to be filled :) but i least i got it down to a manageable, finite list of lights.
I don't have a problem.

I'm as sane as the rest of you guys.

(long pause . . . .)

No, waitaminute, that's not saying much . . . .


I deal with it by being far more selective now, with regards to which lights I add to my collection. I now buy far less lights than I used to, and I have more money to spend on each individual light.

Recently picked up a Surefire M6 for a bit of a bargain. Only $349 instead of $399.

I sure do loves my M6.

Besides, most women would prefer a flashaholic; instead of one of these....:drunk:
i convinced myself to be a "user" and not a "collector." so each of my lights (and other EDC purchases) have a specific function, with limited overlap. yes, theres a lot of functions to be filled :) but i least i got it down to a manageable, finite list of lights.
Yep Im now moving into the "user" territory, no more shelf queens here. The Novatac is now the EDC in rotation, followed by some Aleph goodness, while I wait for my first HDS to arrive...:shakehead
Yeah, I guess I forgot to mention how I buy lights that aren't even for sale yet (Ra, I mean HDS, well, whatever).

I suppose I'm asking the wrong group for help here. One of my problems is that I treat my lights like my guns; and I NEVER SELL GUNS. I am going to take some of your advice about being a user rather than a collector -- makes sense. I'll find a place, BOG, vehicle or use for all the lights I have and any left over are non-essential. After that, I'll buy only quality (which is pretty much where I am now) and only when it does a better job than what I have.

There may be hope for me after all!