MC-E+KX2=lumen :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2008
Am I the first one..?
I bought the KX2 head at MP and got the MC.E from Griff.

Cleaned out the KX2 from the guts and cleaned away all the old epoxy and SF loctite..

Wired the MC-E and AA`d it to the heatsink.
Not the best beam out there but definently VERY bright......:D

Oh, and before you ask..
Yes, IMR...
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Re: KX2+MC-E... :)

ATM it`s DD...:D

I`ve been bursting it for a few seconds at most...

I have NO clue what the output is but it`s real fun playing around with these...:D
It beats all my other lights hands down...:devil:
Re: KX2+MC-E... :)

I tried an MC-E in the KX2 and just wasn't happy with the beam so I put the XR-E back in there. But now it has the RV7 driver in it sitting on your Maxlite AA body. :twothumbs
On a side careful with the MC-E in there with that optic. If you screw the top part of the head down too far, the MC-E dome will go inside the optic and get stuck. Then when you take the top part of the head back off, it twists that pretty little dome right off of the LED. :poof: Don't ask me how I know...:sigh:
Re: KX2+MC-E... :)

I tried an MC-E in the KX2 and just wasn't happy with the beam so I put the XR-E back in there. But now it has the RV7 driver in it sitting on your Maxlite AA body. :twothumbs
On a side careful with the MC-E in there with that optic. If you screw the top part of the head down too far, the MC-E dome will go inside the optic and get stuck. Then when you take the top part of the head back off, it twists that pretty little dome right off of the LED. :poof: Don't ask me how I know...:sigh:

That sounds awesome..!!

The beam is not the best I agree on that..
But for my uses it is still allright..:)

I have the LED sitting all the way down and there is some room, I actually tried to center it at first with the optics but it didn`t come down that far...

Could be different versions??
Or did you have you`r LED sitting on a PCB?

The firstMC-E I tried it with I burned..
No heatsinking cause I got all excited and wanted to try it out fast..
Very sensitive little things in comparison to aP7....

Hope you`r still happy with the Maxlite...:thumbsup:
Re: KX2+MC-E... :)

I have the LED sitting all the way down and there is some room, I actually tried to center it at first with the optics but it didn`t come down that far...

Could be different versions??
Or did you have you`r LED sitting on a PCB?

Hope you`r still happy with the Maxlite...:thumbsup:

Yeah, mine was on a pcb like the original cree is in there. Thats probably why it did that. I still love the Maxlite, that format is so versatile.