Modifications for a Surefire C3?


Newly Enlightened
May 1, 2009
Hi, sorry if there's a thread about this already, but I used the search and couldn't find one. I have a Surefire C3, but after seeing how quickly it eats up batteries and the short life expectancy for its bulb, I'm looking for an LED alternative (and possibly something brighter). I know that there are drop-in options available, but I haven't been able to make sense of all the codes and categories these fall into.
I've heard a lot about Cree LED bulbs, with different Q values. Some people have mentioned an R2, but I'm not entirely sure what that is. How is the quality on these bulbs, and are the high lumen ratings believeable? How long will they last? Many of the specs seem too good to be true, so what would I be sacrificing if I bought a Cree instead of a Surefire P61L replacement? Finally, can I just buy Cree bulbs from any Chinese ebay seller, or does it matter to have a certain reputable source?
Also, if anyone one has other recommendations for LED's that would work here, that would be very helpful.
Thank You
+1 for Malkoff.

Here's another CPF post:

I'll be running an Malkoff M60 in my C2 this week. Gene offers a zillion different models to suit your desires: flood, throw, colour temp. I just bought the good 'ol standard M60 - 235 lumens and will run for 1.5 hrs. That's approaching SureFire M6 capabilities in some respects [with the lower output bulb], but with much fewer primaries.

When you compare incandescent to LED - yes, it does look too good to be true, but it IS true. I bought an LED SureFire U2 Ultra [as my first foray into the world of high-output LED] and the output completely knocked my socks off. I was sold, haven't cared to use incan. since. With comparable output, an incandescent will give you 20 minutes whereas an LED might last for 5 hours+ on the same set of primaries. LED emitters are almost indestructible too as they have no filaments to break and will last thousands of hours - 10s of thousands in some cases. The Malkoff drop-ins have a HUGE following on this forum because of the customer service and quality of both the unit and the light that it emits. Not that long ago LEDs really sucked, but they've come a really long way since and the future is very very bright. The only downside I see and I'm sure there are many others is that people find the colour temp of incandescent to be better than that of LED ... if this is an issue, buy the M60 with the warmer colour temp.

I don't think you'll be disappointed, but perhaps other C3 owners can chime in here regarding voltage and other things ...
My primary light is a SureFire C3 / Malkoff M60 / 2x17500's (AW protected). A perfect light. 240 lumens, 1 hr 45 minutes.
  • The C3 is a the most flexible body length IMO, as it can take 3 CR123 Lithium primaries , 2x17500 LiIon rechargeables, or even 2xAA w/ the lower-voltage M30 in a pinch.
  • The Malkoff M60 is an excellent all-around LED module, 240 lumens of decent throw while retaining adequate spill.
  • 2x17500's is a heck of a lot of energy, twice what a two-cell rechargeable configuration in a 6P has.
Edit: Plus, if you still want to use incans at all, this configuration is about the only one that can do both incan bulbs and LED's with both battery chemistries:
  • 3xCR123: 3 x (2.5v under load) = 7.5 volts
  • 2x17500: 2 x (3.7v under load) = 7.4 volts
Both work perfectly for "9v" bulbs (actually spec'd as 7.5 volts under load) and 4v - 9v regulated LED modules.
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If i were you, i would go about making a C3 85, ie:

One of Fivemega's D26 Drop-ins, with a WA1185 bulb, and three AW IMR CR123A cells.....

1000+lumens anyone...:naughty:

i need to save up money for this exact set up

Thank you for all the replies! The Malkoff modules look like a very good option. I noticed, though, that the m60 and the 500 lumen version of the m60 have about the same brightness in the center in some beamshots. Since I'm more concerned with distance than breadth, does the standard m60 have relatively good throw? Is there anything that will shine further? Also, what is AW protection in a battery, and is that important? Finally, I'm having trouble finding info on the Fivemega option. Where can I get one and how much does it cost?
Thank You.
Most of the time I run a Malkoff M60WL in my C3. The output is about the same as with the standard P90 lamp and the color is close as well but the runtime is about 6 hours. Very seldom do I wish for something more. If you need more the M60W has more throw, but only runs about 2.5 hours. Both are great and the dropins don't go :poof: like the P90 lamps. I highly recommend them.
I'm just getting into the Malkoff's, and have heard some good and bad on running them 3 primaries (not to mention that the output on 2 or 3 is no real difference). So I use an M60 with 2 primaries and a Z20 spacer in mine. I held back on the malkoff's (real picky), and finally got one, and the hype is all real. Not to mention that the C3 is the most bad a$$ light out there (next to the C2 of course, imho):grin2:
If you want the most throw in a normal drop-in, a Dereelight drop-in with a smooth reflector could work. The beam isn't as pretty but it has more throw then the Malkoff.

For the most throw you'll have to go with an aspherical lens modded drop-in.
Yeah I have a Deerelight smooth reflector drop-in that I modded with an R2 WH and it is nuts! Crazy throw for such a small diameter light.

Not sure what the current Deerelight is running at, 1.2? I'm sure you can get R2 bins stock now.
One of Fivemega's D26 Drop-ins, with a WA1185 bulb, and three AW IMR CR123A cells.....

I tried this and found the output to large for the reflector, rapid heat build up, and fast battery discharge. Changing the 1185 to a 1331 though, outstanding!
The P60 drop-in with the most throw that I have used is a Dereeligth R2 smooth reflector. I have the M60 and can tell you the Dereelight R2 throws further, but the beam is much nicer on the M60.

MrGman (he tests our lights for actual lumens) measured a Dereeligth R2 with multi-modes and single modes. The single mode made 220 plus vs 170ish...

For this reason alone I would go with the single mode. I also have a 18650 dedicated hosts..:thumbsup:

Technically not a drop-in in the usual sense, but since you are primarily interested in throw, check out the SureFire KT1/KT2 TurboHead. Instead of using the MN15 lamp assembly that comes with the KT2 kit (the TurboHead itself is the same for the KT1 and KT2 kits), obtain the necessary parts to build an LED tower. Those parts will include an AW Turbo Tower (search the Dealer's Corner on CPF Marketplace), a driver board such as an SOB1000 that delivers 1A of current to the LED, an LED such as a Seoul P4, some wire, some solder, soldering iron, and thermal epoxy.

Running 2x17500, you should get over 2 hours run time with a very bright hot spot and a wide spill. You can have your cake and eat it too.

If you really want to go for the gusto, you can (over)drive the LED with something like an SOB1200 (1.2A current to the LED).
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I also have a C3 that I'd like to beef up a little and use as a weapon light w/ a shotgun. I would like something that has a good balance of flood & decent runtime.

I am hearing good things about the M series of LED drop-ins from Malkoff. Can someone do a rundown of all the options and their approx runtimes? I apologize if this information is readily available somewhere - just point me towards it.

Also, I notice that they are geared towards the 2 cell CR123's - will they work OK in a 3 cell light?
I am hearing good things about the M series of LED drop-ins from Malkoff. Can someone do a rundown of all the options and their approx runtimes? I apologize if this information is readily available somewhere - just point me towards it.
Best Malkoff thread ever, & a good place to start:
Includes lots of runtimes and technical info on the various configurations.

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