MTE website found


Aug 4, 2001
Arizona I've been looking for MTE's website for some time and finally found it. Thought I would post this since I recently bought the Rebel MTE C2 5-mode (new model with only two flat facets on the body, the rest round). Not a bad light for the money at all, mode switching works alright, must be timed after a another tap, Fenix's mode switching works quite a bit better, but you get what you pay for. When smacked on the bottom, my light changes modes due to the spring on the negative contact not providing enough pressure. My friend seems to have an even newer model of the C2 with a River Rock 1 Watt 1AA type tailcap which has a white plastic ring around the negative contact and a straight, cylinder-looking spring, rather than the one on mine which is conical and does not provide as much tension. His stays on the mode you choose even if smacked really hard on the bottom. Overall, not too shabby.
Never seen them before, where did you get yours?
I bought one recently too. The spring in my torch is a straight, gold coloured spring. It uses the SSCT4 LED and is very bright. Maybe this is the newest version? I'll post up some pictures later when I have time.
I bought my torch in August. I think it's different from the one you described. Probably a newer version. I think it's not bad after using a few months. It feels brighter when I use a rechargable battery.

Here's what my spring looks like:

I took a picture of the whole torch from the side and from the back as well:
never saw and heard of this comapny before ...

but it is only a bus ride away from my home ...
Yep David2007, you definitely have the new, nicer version of the tailcap like my friend has. I'm stuck with the old, bit-hard-to-push version, but I guess I'm not completely disappointed as the original tailcap version provides a closer fit to the body, with the new one leaving a larger gap...
Yep, I've seen the earlier version before but didn't buy it as the tailcap wasn't very nice. I bought this new one in August, when it just came out, which is improved from the old one.
Called them up yesterday for quote on MTE C3, the price they quote is more expensive than getting it from Dealextreme or Kaidomain with postage ??? :(
The C2 AA Rebel I got really sucks. It started flickering, then worsening to the point of full-sweep flickering (turning completely off on the dip of the flicker), and now won't even light, even after unscrewing the pill and messing with it / cleaning it. It seems that something inside the pill area is shorting out, and I can't get inside there without breaking off both sides of the pill. The way the reflector is both plastic and glued on is also a bunch of crap, it took very little pressure to remove it from the pill, and it doesn't stay aligned without the glue. If I ever even decide to repair it, I'll use foam-safe model aircraft glue (CyanoAcrylate) in order to not melt the plastic, though for now it resides in my light junkyard area on the bookshelf, and will probably never see repair since the HFlash HF2 is far superior in every aspect except for no modes (HF2 = single mode). I'm quite disappointed with this light, not recommended.
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Finally got around to doing the repair. The CA glue (I decided to use the medium thickness non-foam friendly version, worked perfectly, didn't melt the plastic reflector like I feared it might) provides a WAY stronger bond than the original hot glue gun. I didn't have to resolder anything, thankfully, it was just a lack of o-ring between the glass lens and the bezel. Put an o-ring from the head of a broken Streamlight JR Lux I had laying around and it works fine now. I guess the pill's positive contact wasn't making good contact when screwed in too far without the o-ring. With it, it doesn't flicker even when smacked. Slightly recommended, after using an o-ring which wasn't provided with the light, we'll see if it stays good though... To be fair to this light, it is pretty much as bright as the HFlash HF2 both with fresh 2650 mAh nimh's. As for build and reliability, the HFlash has done better. One thing I like about the Rebel is its relative strength in the warmer area of the spectrum...
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+1 to isleep, its a train ride away for me though. It appears singapore does have good stuff, longbow, and MTE...
