My First Camo Maglites


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2008
I built these for my two buddies who helped me move my lathe a few months ago. They have been modded to include: deep tail cap, short barrel with re-threaded end, SSC P7 LED, switch mods, glass lens, DX reflector, single 18650 battery and some stripes.





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Nicely done. That "new to you" lathe sure can do some good work :D

Yeah, she sure can! I did end up with just a slight bit of chatter while doing the grooves, but I was able to go back and clean them up.

BTW, these lights were a bit different in design, one uses a DX reflector/heatsink combo for the P&. The heatsink threads onto the reflector. What I did was to build a collar to press the brass heatsink into and then presss that into the mag head. Nice press fit.

On the second one, I actually turned a piece of aluminum and recessed the LED into it. Then presed fit into the Mag head. I used the P7 reflector that does not come with heatsink and has no threads at the bottom.

Both reflectors had to be shaved down at the top to allow for them to fit into the mag head.
Yeah, she sure can! I did end up with just a slight bit of chatter while doing the grooves, but I was able to go back and clean them up.
Yup, chatter is something that comes up and shows its ugly face from time to time. You can play with the speed (slow/faster), and the feed (lighter cut or more aggressive cut), but sometimes it is improved by having less over-hang on the cutting bit, and/or by locking the carriage to the ways during the cut (I am assuming your lathe has a carriage lock, right?), and of course by using some lubrication, like the Kool-Mist kit that you have.
The agenda includes building dive lights out of maglites. I just got done with a few prototype lights built out of old maglites and in different configurations to see beams and such. Now I want to fabricate some dive lights using custom machined Maglite heads and some modified off the shelf canisters for battery packs.

I built an aespheric SST-90, 3 P7s, DX 5-LED module and I am now working on a DX Cree MCE module based light to go into a C Maglite for diving.

I built about 20 lights that were CNC machined really nice but the cost got to be too much and order quantities are big so I want to stick on the more affordable side of things.

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