My First HID


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2006
I have finally gone and done it, i order my first HID an AE 25W. I chose it mainly due to size and looking forward to it being my brightest light.
HIDs are wonderful...but be careful what you point them at ;)
Ironically its after my N30 that I decided to look into single 5mm LED lights
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I know there extremely bright but i still just had to get one:devil:
Geesh, that's harsh ITN :huh: It's kind of like saying, "for any application where just a little bit of light is needed, HID's are too much." :nana:

I don't normally use a HID indoors but sometimes I'll use them for taking indoor pictures when more light is needed or during short term power outages. I also use them when working on a project and maybe I need a bit more light in the garage or on the side of the house. Regarding camping I think it simply comes down to the specific application. No, I wouldn't use an HID to read books in my sleeping bag or trim my finger nails but I do use it to bounce off the underside of an EZ-up canopy or to reflect off the side of a trailer for area lighting when it's needed. Much of my camping revolves around archery hunting trips and the HID is always the best way to light up camp for some late night target shooting. When nature calls it's always nice to take the HID along since it expands the view of the forest surroundings so much and does away with the "tunnle view" that lesser output lights provide. They're also great for collecting firewood since you can easily see big stacks of it far off in the distance. When it comes to collecting or drawing attention, once again it depends on where you are and how you use it. Shining it at police helicopters will get you arrested while walking with it in a secluded area allows an unmatched view and appreciation for nature after the sun goes down. :)

, I think you're gonna love that light! It has such a great hot spot, great run-time, and it's all wrapped up into a package that looks like a flashlight. It's definilty one of my picks for a first HID light.
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I have yet to get a HID but I think you will like the AE light. Good size, good company, and the output, Great!
I have finally gone and done it, i order my first HID an AE 25W. I chose it mainly due to size and looking forward to it being my brightest light.

Hi 276,

I received mine on February 2nd and love it. If you purchased it with the 4800 mAh battery, you can look forward to having 2 full hours of runtime. The amber and diffuser lenses work very well too. Best of luck with your new purchase and I hope you post some great photos. :thumbsup:
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The one i order does have the 4800 mah battery, thankfully i looked at that before i order the wrong one a few days ago. thanks for insuring me its a great light.
I know I have had a blast with mine! :grin2:
It does take a minute to "warm up", and get to full brightness.

I also love my Wolf Eyes Boxer. It's much smaller, and it's 1800lm.
But I really cant see the difference 300lm's make. They both are
equally blinding!! :faint: and the AE is solid as a tank. It would make
a great weapon! after you blind em', whack em' over the head!!

I havent had a chance to compare beams. In my neighborhood, the
homes are only about 20 feet apart, so I need a nice large dark field!

Some nice spring evening, I plan to load all my lights in my car with
a case of beer, and visit my friend who lives in the country, many
acers of fields, and not even a streetlight for miles!! :huh: so much fun!!
Got a shipping confirmation today so i should have mine next Thursday.:twothumbs
I ordered from tactical supply, who said it dropships from vendor.
I got mine at
They had it in stock at their store, and I got it in only 4 days.

Nice folks to do business with :thumbsup:

You are going to love it. It's a very imposing looking piece of
hardware :eek:
the only reason i actually got it from tactical supply was the cpf discount of 15% off that and i wanted to give them some business Thanks i got a feeling i am going to like it. The only other thing i want to get for this light is the yellow filter and the white diffuser.
the only reason i actually got it from tactical supply was the cpf discount of 15% off that and i wanted to give them some business Thanks i got a feeling i am going to like it. The only other thing i want to get for this light is the yellow filter and the white diffuser.

You should also consider the Wolf Eyes Boxer 24W.
When I compare it to the AE, I like the WE better.
The beam on my AE has rings, and a very bright hot spot in the
middle at 40 feet or less. The WE, while it does not look brighter,
has a more even, clean spot at the same distance with no ringing.
The WE also has a faster up time in case of emergency where high
blinding light is needed for self defense.

NOTE: I did finally have a chance to properly compare these lights.

I love both lights, but the WE gets my vote for best in it's class.
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Thanks i was thinking about the shark but i like the size of the boxer.
My one and only HID thus far is the 24W Boxer. Love the size and power of it. The adjustable beam from spot to flood is a nice feature to tame the massive amount of light coming out the front.

The lack of instant-on of the HID is the main reason it does not get much use. The finish wears off quicker than I like, but it is a nice light.

I am however eyeing the Polarion series though...
My one and only HID thus far is the 24W Boxer. Love the size and power of it. The adjustable beam from spot to flood is a nice feature to tame the massive amount of light coming out the front.

The lack of instant-on of the HID is the main reason it does not get much use. The finish wears off quicker than I like, but it is a nice light.

I am however eyeing the Polarion series though...

Is the anodizing wearing off on your boxer?
How are you treating it to make it do that, are you rough
with it?
Thanks i was thinking about the shark but i like the size of the boxer.

Did you get your AE light yet?
I'm anxious to find out how you like it :thumbsup:

Yeah man, you really need to give that WE boxer serious consideration
since you seem to like these kinds of lights.
I know you would be very happy with it.
That, and my SF U2A are the smartest flashlight buys I have made
(so far!)
Not yet, Thursday i think is the day.

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