Flashlight Enthusiast
Eeeer I think it works ...

Back to back : AMC 7135 1400mAh and a 2 mode 1000mAh driver I had lying around ..
So far I seem to have two modes under low voltage testing , as seen it has a Q5 hooked up to it for testing ..
Time to ramp up the battery power to a CR123A and see if I still have 2 modes ...
Ok = Update ...
No multi mode , but it does run ok ... 1.25A before the driver , 1.19A to the led ...
I sure would have liked multi mode , I have 2 5 mode drivers on order , so hooking things up should be easier ..
Oh well .. I did try to run power through the middle or the + terminals/pads on the boards where the springs go , possibly a mistake ..
Maybe not ? Anyway , I did it my way , and probably wont see more than 1400mAh for my effort .
Its late , time for bed

Back to back : AMC 7135 1400mAh and a 2 mode 1000mAh driver I had lying around ..
So far I seem to have two modes under low voltage testing , as seen it has a Q5 hooked up to it for testing ..
Time to ramp up the battery power to a CR123A and see if I still have 2 modes ...
Ok = Update ...
No multi mode , but it does run ok ... 1.25A before the driver , 1.19A to the led ...
I sure would have liked multi mode , I have 2 5 mode drivers on order , so hooking things up should be easier ..
Oh well .. I did try to run power through the middle or the + terminals/pads on the boards where the springs go , possibly a mistake ..
Maybe not ? Anyway , I did it my way , and probably wont see more than 1400mAh for my effort .
Its late , time for bed
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