My Inova XO3 How is this possible?

Rusty Joe

Newly Enlightened
Aug 9, 2006
Irving, TX
About 4 months ago, I got the new 135 lumen Inova XO3. I was impressed with its output with the test button on the shelves in the store and when I got it home, continued to be impressed with everything other than the trigger machanism (I loathe twisties and think people who do not are mentally deficient. Only kidding).

The 135 lumens it produces are real 135 lumens, even by incand standards. I've compared it to my Scorpion, SF clones, and other lights and Inova seems on the level with regard to lumen ratings.

The light is, I think, the best compromise for the quality, in application, in ease of use, and in overall output. I'm interested in getting to know the Quark Turbo and other big-hitters, but right now, I'm ready to call this one my best LED light.


The light boasts power regulation, but recently, when I hit the button, the light is bright for a second and then quickly falls off to a much dimmer output. Is this due to bad batteries or some flaw? It never did it before this night or the last (and I use it enough to notice).

QUICK QUESTION: Everyone at work has always been impressed with this little light. We have an Inova T4 duty light, and compared side to side, my Inova is brighter than the T4 rated at 170 lumens. Everyone has said so in comparison. How is this possible? Could it have something to do with the lithium battery discharge vs rechargeable?

Oh, and uh, does anyone have any complaints about this light relative to power issues?
1: Sounds like your batteries need replaced.

2: You cannot compare outputs from lights by comparing hotspot intensity. It cannot be done. Before you say anything to the contrary, read this:

It's like a laser and a car headlight. The laser may only produce a few lumens, but be focused into, well, a laser beam. The car headlight on the other hand, will probably not appearas bright, in a given spot, because the reflector/optic/whatever is distributing the greater output of the light over a much larger area. In reality, the headlight is brighter, but the laser is more intense.

When you attempt to compare different hotspots, you are comparing the lux of each light, not the output.