My Wife is on to me!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2004
This really should'nt surprise me. The other night she is working on our TV. She is using a light that I leave out when our nieces and nephews visit. It is not a very good beam so I give her my Aeon on high. The 1st thing she says too me is this is a nice light, the setup. Then when we get done she says, "I know you buy lights and hide them every where." I am so busted. She is the best. This the last I hear about this!
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I leave mine out in plain sight.

No sense hiding them since she'll see me use them at some point.
Then again, my most expensive light retails for $45.
I leave mine out in plain sight.
No sense hiding them since she'll see me use them at some point.
I apply the same for everything that concerns my girlfriend. She knows I look at other girls when we're walking around, she knows I watch porn, she knows I spend more than I should on electronic gadgets and she's acutely aware of my tendency to upgrade every light-emitting item I come across (and plenty that don't emit light).
She, of course, has the same attitude toward me.

Personally, I find this the only way to live a peaceful relationship. Hide things and they're eventually going to be found, if only because you're not a specially trained secret agent and will eventually put yourself in trouble by saying the wrong thing at the wrong moment.
But if you don't hide them then there's nothing to fight about; if one of the two doesn't like something, you talk about it and reach a peaceful solution. Or don't, but at least nobody can tell the other one "you hid this, so you knew you were in the wrong".

As for the problem of spending common money, well, that's why I consider it an awful, awful idea to have a joint bank account.
:crackup:This is a good thread. It reminds me of men hidding their gun collection from their wives. When they are on layway its not lying since you technically don't own them yet. Thats my excuse anyways.:party:
My wife always does the bill paying chore, so I've never been able to go too nuts with the credit card. I think this has helped teach me some moderation. It hasn't stopped me from getting the little junk lights and tools available in local stores. She's been a sport, though, and never complained....Yet.

My wife knows if I buy it I've done my homework and tried to find the best "item" for the task. "Buy Once Cry Once" Somehow I'm usually on the buying end. LOL. It all usually comes full circle.
I caught the Mrs using my Mag P7 to find her keys that my 1 year old has hidden.
Now she wants one :D
Before that, I gave her a Minimag 2 x AA with SMJ LED upgrade ... thats not
good enough for her now :cool:
To be honest my wife has no idea what I spend on lights. I keep things to myself because I don't like justifying my hobby to non flashaholics. It's my hobby and she mostly does not ask me about it because she gets bored whenever I try to explain anything technical, historical or even trivial. She spends tons of money on stuff she does not use everyday so I don't feel bad about spending what I do on lights and I don't ask what her things cost either because to her they have value.
The usual response is, "Another flashlight?!" But I try to research my purchases first and part with the older lights. As long as the bills are paid and it's something you can use, who cares? No point hiding anything.

Besides, last Christmas she gave me a SF 6PL. :twothumbs

(Oh well, I can't help it, my grandparents turned me into a flashaholic as a kid.)
As for the problem of spending common money, well, that's why I consider it an awful, awful idea to have a joint bank account.

I used to operate a 'His', 'Hers' and 'Theirs' financial policy. The gf and I would keep our own bank accounts, into which our salaries were paid. I then set up a joint account into which we each paid a monthly amount to take care of the bills. I worked out the amount based on actual previous bills then rounded up a little for inflation. Although I did all the actual bill payments, the account was of course always open for her to check if she wanted. Because I was careful with the bills, we always ended up with enough of a surplus for a nice meal out at the end of the year. With this system we could each indulge our hobbies or whatever and the other couldn't moan about cost since we were only spending our own money. If you blew too much money one month, tough, it's your own fault! The bills still got paid so no reason to fight.:kiss:
Kelmo: does that mean that until this point, 'technically' you hadn't bought any lights? i.e. she wasn't supposed to have known about any of them?

Her reaction shows that she is an understanding, forgiving, and protective person - not someone out to get you. What a blessing. Sounds like she is a wonderful spouse =)

Hope things go well.

If not, can I have that Aeon? =D J/K!

You others: has anyone here gotten into trouble - I mean serious trouble - due to lights, with your SO?
My wife knows I own a lot of flashlights (have them sprinkled throughout the house, in the car, in various bags, keep a few as "emergency gifts", etc.) and enjoy playing with them but it wasn't until recently that I specifically said, "I collect flashlights for enjoyment, not because I have a specific need for them".

Her reaction: "Maybe we should get a nice glass case or something then, so you can display your collection and keep them all looking nice."

She knows my first priority is to provide for our family and I only spend on flashlights once all of the bills are paid so she trusts me and never gives me any grief when another flashlight shows up in the mailbox.

:) :D :grin2:
My wife used to comment on my modest collection of low-end flashlights, until earlier in the year when the power failed during a tornado warning (and the tornado came within about 1/2 mile of our house). I calmly walked upstairs, picked up two Mini Maglites, gave her one. We took shelter in a closet; after we came out I set up a little River Rock l.e.d. lantern on the table for general illumination. The power was only out for about 12 hours, but that was enough to convince her that my flashlight hobby wasn't a total waste of time/money.
Mine gave up, she just borrows them when she needs a light. Her and her friend used to laugh at me till we went to an outdoor concert and they had to use the porta john in the dark, "can I borrow your light"? I don't hear complaining anymore.

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