Need Knifesmith to swap out Leek Blades


Newly Enlightened
Dec 13, 2002
Valley Village, CA
Hi Ya'll:

I'm not a member of any knife forums so I thought I would run this request past the talented folks here at CPF first. I own two Ken Onion Leek knives, the G10 sv30 and the Aluminum handle with the Damascus blade. I really like the DAM blade but I don't like the handle at all, I prefer the G10. I tried to swap the blades but I didn't get too far, it looks like there may be some "press-fit" parts involved... I'm not really sure (I'm not really a very knowledgeable knife person). Is there a CPF member that could do the swap for me. If so, how much? - I would ship with return containers and return postage. Thanks for looking!
There shouldn't be any press fit parts on leek, post some pics of it and wen can probably tell you what to do.
..found out that I couldn't remove the blade pivot screw because they use locktight on it. Just used a bit of heat to break the bond and I'm good now. Thanks for the reply JZ...