Nichia 5mm color question...


Oct 19, 2007
Dallas, TX
I have an OLD TekTite Trek4 and a Trek2 and decided to spend 5 bucks for the upgrade bulb. It's a one piece w/built-in reflector. But best of all it's got just a single LED instead of 2 or 4 so my runtime should be excellent. These are fantastic disaster lights!

Anyway, the new 5mm Nichia CS is VERY blue. Pretty much the same as my Fenix EO Dart. Yuck!

The old LEDs are VERY white and look fantastic. They just aren't very bright.

Does anyone know where I can buy a few 5mm LEDs that I can replace the new ones with that will be bright but also hav a nice color?
There were some group buys of the peak "snow" leds a while back. They are not as efficient as the nichias but they are very neutrally tinted. If you just need two of them I guess I can part with a couple. PM me your address if you want them.

is this the upgrade bulb you're talking about? It's really brighter than the four leds in the trek 4?

i've thought about replacing the leds in my trek 4, though unglopping them from the module they're glued into looks a little bit tedious. does the 1-led module look easily moddable?
Yeah it look SUPER easy to mod. As easy as the 2 or 4 module. I'd say it's equal in brightness to the old Trek 4 but hard to say since the color is so different.

Ok I'll message an adress tomorrow when I get a minute free. I'll send ya something cool in return. :)
is this the upgrade bulb you're talking about? It's really brighter than the four leds in the trek 4?

i've thought about replacing the leds in my trek 4, though unglopping them from the module they're glued into looks a little bit tedious. does the 1-led module look easily moddable?

Hi Paul, The single LED with reflector is equal to a the current 2 LED module without reflector, The LEDs are the NSPW500CS C0T or C0U

One of the CS is likely close to the output of a Trek 4 from 1998-2000 vintage. Send me a PM with a mailing address, I'll send you some parts.
Paul-PM sent!

Hey Scott! I didn't know you post here! Very cool!
I just sent you an email about 2 minutes ago too! haha!
I still have the color of the new CS LED but I LOVE my Tek-Tite lights! All 7 of them!