Night Owl "Explorer" NOCX3

Turbo DV8

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 5, 2006
Silicon Valley
Hi, all. After an eighteen year hiatus, I decided to play with night vision again. See what's out there, and all, in an inexpensive package. On impulse I purchased a new Night Owl NOCX3 at Big 5 yesterday for $129. Searching here shows posts going back to 2003, so I guess it's definitely not the latest and greatest! It seems pretty good for my uses, which is playing around with. Is the audible buzzing normal? Seems quite a bit louder than others I've tried. Last night when I put it away, I had a concern whether the unit would drain the 123 cell when off, and sure enough, I just found a post where an owner stated that the electronics do actually drag the cell down even when off. Frankly, the purchase was so much of a rushed impulse (late to work) that I did not notice it used a 123 cell, which I would have avoided in preference to an AA cell NV. I come here to basically ask if this is a decent unit for casual playing around, nothing my life depends on. But even more, I want to relate my experience with a very special NV monocular back in 1992 or 1993.

That was my first dabbling in NV. I purchased it from Sportsman's Guide in the neighborhood of $400-$500. Back then, all the gen1 was going in that price range. It was large for a monocular, had quite a large objective compared to this Night Owl, and also had a handle hanging off the bottom. It did have an IR illuminator, and the unit ran off a russian proprietary rechargeable with both contacts at one end, similar to the configuration of a cheap fluorescent light starter. What made this unit so special was the clarity and sharpness throughout almost the entire image. It was amazing, and even more so because I have seen no other gen1 that good since. Alas, some defect occured deep inside the battery contact, and I had to return it. They had no replacement at that point, so I ended up with the previously mentioned various pairs of russian binoculars, but after the crystal clarity of that monocular, I was spoiled. Now I find this Night Owl, although better than some other gen1's I've tried, just doesn't come close, either. I'll check if I have a copy of the manual I had for it (I keep paperwork forever, even things I no longer have!:whistle:) but I am wondering if, based on my timeline and meager description, if anybody might have any idea what I had.
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Not for sure if it is normal to hear a buzzing sound or not, because I hear it in my Russian-marked gen.1 I got from Harbor Freight back about 6-8 years ago. My guess is it's the sound of the electronics having current shot through them. Mine makes a semi-high pitched whistle when I press the power button, yet quietens down significantly when I release the button.

But again, I'm not sure if the sounds we're hearing appears or disappears when you go into the higher-dollar units and approach gen. 2 or gen.3. Sorry I couldn't be of much help to you, but I'm having a similar issue in mine too.:candle:
I purchased a second one because the image faded very quickly after power-down, so you could not save the cell by "coasting" with it off. The second one "coasted" great, and also was much quieter in the whine department, and had even clearer optics, so I kept that one. Only downer is that one had a few dark specks right smack-dab in the middle of vision, but I figure that was preferable to all the other negs. Seems QC is quite lax on these Rusky night visions!
It was large for a monocular, had quite a large objective compared to this Night Owl, and also had a handle hanging off the bottom. It did have an IR illuminator, and the unit ran off a russian proprietary rechargeable with both contacts at one end, similar to the configuration of a cheap fluorescent light starter.

Sounds like a Cyclop.
Cyclops are still made and sold, but they are different from what they where. Second hand they often do between 60 and 90usd on ebay.

It's import to see what objective is attached to it. The older ones have Zenith and Helios lenses, for example f1.2/85, 1.5/85, 1.4/65.
I don't see NVD's in the shop with comparable light sensitive objectives.

The buzz is typical for the Gen-1 technology.