ok my last light revisted my wants have changed


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
now i was a aa or aaa light single cell. but i want a crazy super long runtime on a usable low seting i almost got one today but it was so huge for a single cell light
LOVE my Prometheus Beta in Brass !

Low mode is ONE LUMEN,
and is Quite Sufficient for many of my activities.

Energizer L92 battery lasts THREE DAYS !
(in full regulation)

One of my Favorite flashlights !

probably the best I`v come across for really long runtime on a single battery is my BlockLite SW805. it runs on a single 9v battery, and even works on dead ones that wont work in anything else, I`v got one on now that`s been running 4 days on a dead 9v that I took out of an old electronic game.
it`s a really usable light too, and has a High and Low power switch.
In 2012 I received a BlockLite as a promotional giveaway: the sponsoring company's logo was proudly emblazoned on one side of the emitter housing. The six emitters ran for ages, completely draining the 9V cell. It was and remains a good vampire, so much so that I stopped feeding it new cells, and now keep it in my car's glove box, attached to a semi-depleted 9V lithium cell. It's been there for at least two years now, and before posting this note I checked: it still works. And although everyone reading this is virtually guaranteed to have far more capable lights handy, tucked inside a pocket (or with a nod to Katherine Alicia, a purse), the logo is still visible. So if you're in business for yourself, this little gadget may be worth exploring.
Thrunite Ti3 ~$16

-Firefly: 0.04 Lm(115h),
-Low: 12 Lm(6.3h),
-High: 120Lm(0.5h),
-Strobe:120Lm(1 hour)

The strobe is reasonably hidden, activated by cycling all the modes twice quickly.

This flashlight is constant current, and the 12 lumen mode is very nice with long runtime. I prefer a neutral white, but Thrunite's neutral white is terrible, so go for the cool white.

The drivers in these are very popular for cannibalizing for the firefly mode and the constant current.

Thrunite did a shotgun test where they shot a Ti3 out of a shotgun into the air, and recovered the light, after it hit the ground, and it was fine, and still on. That video seems to have been taken down.

But this guy is shooting Ti3 at ballistics gel, which tends to destroy the flashlight, but it is endlessly entertaining to watch.

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i want a crazy super long runtime on a usable low seting

if you only have one battery,
crazy long runtime comes from crazy dim output


a zebra aa can do all these things on AA Eneloop:

3.5 Lm (4.5 days)

1.0 Lm (13 days)

0.26 Lm (1.1 month)

0.013 Lm (3.3 months)

My Tool does 3 lumens for 4.5 hours, so you definitely should go Zebra for runtime

I use rechargeable batteries, I dont worry about runtime, I have spares ready

I think you should get a zebra that can use both AA and LiIon, a 4 pack of eneloops, and a universal charger

here is an example showing how small the charger is.. very convenient, plugs into my computer, to charge.. easy peasy
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I think you should get a zebra, some enelops, and a universal charger

I think so, too, but raggie33 has said before it is beyond his budget. Maybe someone could start a GoFundMe page for him, and get him one.
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there are a couple inexpensive
SC52 here

$35.72 in USD.

Found the SC52w L2 Product Page and the SC52F Product Page on archive.org

SC52w L2
Light Output (runtimes)
High: H1 280 Lm (0.9 hrs) or H2 172 Lm (1.7 hrs) / 108 Lm (3 hrs)
Medium: M1 50 Lm (7.5 hrs) or M2 25 Lm (12 hrs) / 12 Lm (27 hrs)
Low: L1 2.7 Lm (4 days) or L2 0.34 Lm (3 weeks) / 0.06 Lm (2 months) / 0.01 Lm (3 months)

Light Output
High: H1 266 Lm (0.9 hrs) or H2 163 Lm (1.7 hrs) / 102 Lm (3 hrs) / 4Hz Strobe
Medium: M1 47 Lm (7.5 hrs) or M2 23 Lm (12 hrs) / 11 Lm (27 hrs)
Low: L1 2.5 Lm (4 days) or L2 0.32 Lm (3 weeks) / 0.05 Lm (2 months) / 0.01 Lm (3 months)

Edit: Oops, German Max already sold the SC52w L2, what is available is the SC52 L2

SC52 L2
Light Output (runtimes)
High: H1 300 Lm (0.9 hrs) or H2 184 Lm (1.7 hrs) / 116 Lm (3 hrs)
Medium: M1 54 Lm (7.5 hrs) or M2 27 Lm (12 hrs) / 13 Lm (27 hrs)
Low: L1 2.9 Lm (4 days) or L2 0.36 Lm (3 weeks) / 0.06 Lm (2 months) / 0.01 Lm (3 months)
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What's wrong with raggie? lost his job? i thought he was working. is he on a fixed income? so am i, but i'm still buying $100 flashlights (i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed). This IS the official gofundme page for raggie. i'm heading over to german max's thread now to purchase the light for him, if that's what he really wants. if not, i have another L2 in the stable. hey raggie, let me know your address. i expect it will take a month to get the light to me and then to you. i have eneloops to send, but no charger. i'll send one of each, a pro, and white label

looks like a member from canada asked for it a few days ago. if it's still available i'll try and get it
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ty everyone for the kindness today im playing with my first olight flashlight its like a inch or so long but crazy bright. i some how got it free i forget how(the scary thing is i just got it last week and i already forgot the details .i think i had to share tgere url or something it was part of some crazy sale. but i still prefere lumitop and zebralight
cpf has always been so kind to me i hope someday to return the favor
the county raised my property taxes i mean buy a crazy huge amount. i am fighting with them now. i was broke before this mess? i want to know how they ca determine my condos value with never coming in my home
i cant really let you all do any more for me ya all have been so kind all ready im going to put away 7 bucks a month till i have enough for the zebra im very gratful for all ya kindness
is there a aa alkaline flashlight that stays at the same brightness till the battery dies
is there a aa alkaline flashlight that stays at the same brightness till the battery dies

That is called regulation. The Zebralights jon_slider linked to above are fully regulated in all modes, and will do that, stepping down from the higher modes as the cell gets to low capacity and can't keep the brightness.

But it is never recommended to leave an alkaline in any flashlight. They leak and cause grief.
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