Olight M20 Warrior Problem


Newly Enlightened
Sep 11, 2010
Hey everyone,

I'm having an issue with the Olight M20 Warrior. It is stuck in strobe mode and everything I have done so far will not fix it. These things are :

Tried different battery
Pulled the Battery out while light was on.
Shook the flashlight around furiously due to being frustrated
Squeezed the flashlight very hard with my hand while grinding teeth.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks and this is my first post on the site.

I've had the same issue in the past with my M20...although it was stuck in Mid mode. Took the head off and screwed it back on and it was fine after that. Try loosening/tightening it several times, and try taking the head off and then putting it back on...maybe this will help?
Hey guys,

Thanks a bunch for the posts. The link really helped out, and got me thinking in the right direction.

My flashlight was stuck in high strobe and the fix was:

The reflector in the head was very loose. I screwed in the reflector properly and it is now fixed.

After using this flashlight for a while I really like the memory but I really dislike the mode change by screwing unscrewing the head. I'm honestly thinking of buying a new flashlight at this point that uses 18650's.

Money isn't an issue, I would prefer something without the screwing mode change thing. Do you guys have any ideas?

Preferences if possible

-cost is a non issue
-no screwing mode change
-more streamlined in body design than the Olight M20 Warrior
-powerful and plenty of mode options (I would imagine anything using the 18650's would be powerful though)

All responses welcome.
