OLight SR90 vs. SureFire M6


Newly Enlightened
Mar 26, 2010
I have my birthday coming up shortly and have a great wife who is willing to buy me the best light for my needs.

In comparing the two above, do we have a consensus? The Olight has much more power, but the SureFire is a SureFire.

Can someone help me break the tie?

The M6 can be easily modded to suit more needs and uses.

The Olight is BIG.

I would go the M6, but that's me.
Get both of them :D

Im with Dime, the Olight is too big for my taste
go with the M6

The M6 can be customized to your exact needs
check out this recent thread on incan mods and battery configurations


DM51s shootout is considered the incan M6 bible

As for LED mods, the ultimate is member LEDZeppelin's M6 LED mods



For a cheaper LED mod, look at Nailbenders LED Tower Modules

Is quality the only reason the m6 is the same price?
If you look at the specs, the olight is considerably more powerful.
The SF has lots of technology that has been proven over it's numerous years in service.

Power is not everything all the time.

It has a shock isolation bezel, made to be battered and continue to function 100%, the quality is definitely superior.

Also, it is American made which in turn makes things more expensive.

Don't forget, you don't have to pay retail price for them.

I have scored them for $250.

You can use the SF lamps, you can use the Lumen Factory lamps with Li-ion rechargeables, you can even use custom made LED tower modules.

It is also quite a compact unit considering the amount of beautiful incan light it can put out.

The Olight has a high output LED, with no options to modify it.
The tint is blue, the thing is absolutely massive and there are only two modes. Bright and ridiculously bright. Unless you plan on searching for planes 300m away, I don't see any advantages of the SR90.
Did I mention it's freaking huge?

Can I ask what your uses for either of these lights will be?
Ask yourself this question: Which one will you regret not buying once you have the other one in your hand?

For me it would be the SR90. I'm a lumens junkie and couldn't care less about upgrading anything if I've got the most powerful light in my hand.

As for it being big and heavy, it's no heavier than a 6D mag, but just a little brighter.
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Go for the OLight, everyone and their brother already has an M6. As far as the OLight being too big, nah, it's not like you are going the be EDC'ing either one anyway. Go for more WOW factor :twothumbs
I have my birthday coming up shortly and have a great wife who is willing to buy me the best light for my needs.

In comparing the two above, do we have a consensus? The Olight has much more power, but the SureFire is a SureFire.

Can someone help me break the tie?


What do you want more throw or more lumens?

I like the SR90 because it offers intense throw. I like the Lambda VARA2000 because it takes standard NiMH C cells and has tons of lumens. The new model will be available with a bigger and better heatsink design plus copper. It is said the new VARA2000 will have 2000 OTF lumens and stay close to it at 3 mintues. I am already putting my money on the new copper VARA2000.

Look at this one as it is the brightest I have seen and still has 30k lux vs. the SR90 at 95k lux.


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Ask yourself this question: Which one will you regret not buying once you have the other one in your hand?

For me it would be the SR90. I'm a lumens junkie and couldn't care less about upgrading anything if I've got the most powerful light in my hand.

As for it being big and heavy, it's no heavier than a 6D mag, but just a little brighter.

I agree 100% with this. Get the Olight!
I have had my M6 eight years and will have it the rest of my life. It is a work of art you will not regret buying. I still get a thrill out of lighting up a field with such a small light.
Well, unfortunately I don't posess one of those monsters, but...

In my opinion, the SR-90 doesn't seem to be too huge :shrug:

But the M6 is just nice (advantages have already been enumerated)...I'd go for the SureFire.

How about this: this birthday the M6, the next year the SR-90, or even something more powerful (who knows - LED technology changes fast) :naughty:
Thanks for the replies. Now I am even more confused.
Are there any quality issues with the Olight?

The Surefire line has definitely proven itself in that arena.
Also, is there a forum vendor recommended for best price on either light?
I would recommend the SureFire M6.

For its size, it is very bright, very rugged, very reliable.

It is one of the Very Best flashlights on the Planet, IMHO, for someone that actually USES his lights, to do "stuff", not just "shining them around".
Depends if you need to use a strong light, or you jast want to have fun.

When you shine the SR90, you will be overwhelmed from its throw, and its generous spill. It sees to bring closer to you distant things and persons.

If you shine the M6 at night, you will be impressed from its capability to make discernable the fine details of distant objects and persons. The range of lighting field is shorter, if compared to the SR90, of course.

The runtime of the SR90, compared to the stock M6 is higher. Same for the running costs, but as other mentioned, there are some very good rechargeable options for the M6.

The M6 is actually much smaller, you can easily keep it in a pocket, just like any 2D flashlight. In its stock form, you can reload the M6 in seconds, just the time to replace the spent 123s. You cannot do that with the Olight, which is rechargeable only; and, you cannot keep the Olight in your pocket.

A final consideration. In few years time, considering the progresses of LED efficiency, the Olight may become obsolete in its class. This cannot be said of the SF M6.

Hope this help you to decide.

Lumens Factory HO-M6R + 3 x 17670 cells ..... nuff said

and this is coming from a LED fanboy :D
Lumens Factory HO-M6R + 3 x 17670 cells ..... nuff said

and this is coming from a LED fanboy :D
+++1! This has got to be the most amazing combos out there. Just a beautiful, bright, amazing beam, and very reasonable runtime for the amount of ultra-high quality incandescent light.
TX101, this is where my newbie status hurts me.
The only reason I am leaning towards the Olight is that it is rechargeable?
Is this a good reason? I know that the SureFire can be modified, but for me that would be complicated. For that matter, why is the M6 not set up from the factory as a rechargeable?

Sorry, I don't have either, but if I was to choose I'd go for the M6. I like lights that are easily upgradeable - I could imagine using that M6 in brighter & brighter form for many many years. In addition, once the M6 gets that SF TIR optic ... :devil: