Paypal Question: "Confirmed Address" What does it mean?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 9, 2006
The Lunatic Fringe
I have started seeing for sale threads here and other places, saying that the poster will not sell to a buyer without a "Confirmed Address on File".

What does this mean?

IIRC, my address was only "confirmed" when I let Paypal link directly to my bank account. Well, I don't like thatidea one bit, so now I just use a CC, although I usually carry a cash balance.

What excatly does a "Confirmed Address" do for the seller"? Paypal will not send my money if the CC doesn't go through anyway, and money is money, isn't it?

Just curious; it seems kind of, well, arrogant anyway, of the seller to list that. Like they are special or something.

Maybe I'm wrong, but could someone clue me in?

Does this help?

To summarize:

-Confirmed address = Same billing (=CC address) and shipping address.
-Less likely to be fraudulent.
I can see the less likely to be fraud thing. Thanks, I checked, adn mine is confiremd, but I am just not "verified". Oh, well.

I could have gone to PP, but I like getting folks input here; that's what we are for, right? Otherwise, CPF would just be a website with a bunch of stickies !:laughing:
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