PayPal question:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 27, 2006
Hello all. I'm trying to sell an item. The other party has sent PP. It is telling him I must "accept" payment. I looked on my account, no flags or notifications at all. No email notification either. How do I "accept" payment? This has never happened to either one of us. Thanks in advance. :thinking:
Have you tried logging into your paypal account and see what it says?

The accept thing will happen if you have a free account and the buyer paid with a Credit card, in which case you have to accept the higher fees and other restrictions.
Maybe he mistyped your e-mail addy. It happened a couple of times when I was selling stuff.

The buyer will have to check the sent transaction to verify if there's a typo. If there is, cancel that transaction and send a new payment.

If there isn't a typo... have you checked your spam folder?

If else fails, have them cancel their payment, and *you* send them an invoice or a money request to their e-mail address (had to do that a couple of times too).
It is most likely what GreenLED said. I have done it once and wondered why it was taking so long for the seller to accept my payment.