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Peak LED Ripoff

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Dr. Smoke

Newly Enlightened
Jan 23, 2010
Well, I've been waiting for weeks without a flashlight, and it now looks like I've been ripped off by Peak LED.

After quite a bit of research here I bought the Eiger stainless steel flashlight, you know, the knurled one they show on their website which is now dead. What I got instead was the smooth version which is at least a half-inch longer, intolerable for a keychain light.

So I emailed Peak's "President" at [email protected], and Robyn Seabert informed me that the smooth version is the default and that the knurled would be $10 more, despite that there is no option to choose smooth or knurled, that the knurled is pictured, and that there were no lengths specified on the order page. When I complained of this he said that 'for good customer service he'd forward the knurled body; fine says I. Two weeks later, nothing.

So I filed for a refund on Paypal, but it turns out that this purchase is one of the many exceptions that they will not refund for. I'm beginning to think the only thing they will refund for is specific tangible products only bought on eBay.

So every day I need a flashlight and I don't have one, as I don't dare take this out of its package. It's too long anyway. I guess Robyn hopes I'll get tired of waiting. I'm tired of waiting alright. Let this be a warning to you all. :scowl: :thumbsdown:
They may be at the SHOT show, which would also explain why the web site is down.

They make good lights and have a presence here, but they are a somewhat old-line company and are not so good at internet communications. Your best bet is to call them on the phone on Monday. I'm sure they will straighten things out one way or another.

Update: holy crap, a squatter is parked on their web site! They must have let the domain expire. I told you they are not very good at internet stuff. :eek:
I guess Robyn hopes I'll get tired of waiting. I'm tired of waiting alright. Let this be a warning to you all. :scowl: :thumbsdown:
That's not the case Peak are one of the most respected companies by CPF members their service isn't always quick. I have had a number of dealings with them have spoken to Robyn and Curt on the phone on many occasions, they are both always helpful and very giving of their time.
I had a couple of mixed up orders and they have always put thing right.
A bit more patience and I'm sure things will be sorted for you, as already mentioned they may be at the shot show.
My dealings with Peak over the last 3 and a bit years have always been a very enjoyable experience even when something hasn't gone quite as it should.
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Well I strongly suspect the company has collapsed, as I should have heard something after all this time, and the domain is dead. Classic symptoms.

I need a light every day for my work, and can't afford to throw away $55. Why would they treat me this way if they weren't dead? Maybe you guys are in denial.
I love their lights.

But, they really need to invest in a decent website with fully functional ordering ability for all that they offer. Their sales would skyrocket.
Well, I've been waiting for weeks without a flashlight, and it now looks like I've been ripped off by Peak LED.
How have you been "ripped off" when you paid for and
got instead was the smooth version which is at least a half-inch longer,
and then for free
'for good customer service he'd forward the knurled body;
I don't call that ripped off. Your order obviously didn't reflect exactly what you wanted but it's hardly a rip off.
I love their lights.

But, they really need to invest in a decent website with fully functional ordering ability for all that they offer. Their sales would skyrocket.


Look, i realize that you are a little uptight, but so far, there have been very few problems reported with Peak, and they have all been quickly sorted out.

Maybe reword the title to show your concerns a little more politely. I'm sure this will be worked out quickly...

EDIT*** Saw this through the entrance page, didn't check what sub-forum it was in...

Oh, and there's no need to insult us.
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Well, I've been waiting for weeks without a flashlight, and it now looks like I've been ripped off by Peak LED.

After quite a bit of research here I bought the Eiger stainless steel flashlight, you know, the knurled one they show on their website which is now dead. What I got instead was the smooth version which is at least a half-inch longer, intolerable for a keychain light.

Methinks you ordered the AAA/10440 body, which is smooth by default, and longer than the 10280 body, which is knurled. Body lengths are the result of battery dimensions.

I bought my first Peak light around 5 years ago, and have purchased many, many lights since. Sometimes they take a little longer than other times, such is the business when you dealing with essentially hand made products.

I have never been dissatisfied, on the contrary, I have been struck more than once by their attentiveness and generosity.

Pick up the phone.
I'd suggest you give them a call: (toll free on voice) - technical problems on the web site does not mean they are out of business and judging from some recent releases I don't think they are going away any time soon.
1 ( 877 ) 881-7325.
Fax Line: 1 ( 623 ) 582-0526
Peak has not closed down. Robyn is at the shot show. They do take care of their customers. And I am quite sure you will be pleased with the knurled SS Eiger.

CPF is peopled by very reputable businesses large and small, Peak being one of the latter. CPF'ers tend to be not only very critical but also understanding and tolerant and helpful, as is apparent from the other posts in response to yours. Your experience after such a short time in CPF is unfortunate, but you shouldn't jump to conclusions in the face of thousands of other posts in this forum that clearly show that you are not dealing with rip-off artists.
There are many businesses out to make a quick buck. This is not one of them.

Peak is a collaboration between two hard working individuals who make their own stuff and then sell it themselves.

Were this a full business with staff, the light you bought would be any combination of 1) less well made, 2) much more expensive, or 3) imported. Think of it like high quality food and the local fruit stand.

Dude, chill.
Hope their website is sorted out soon cause im waiting to order, so give me the nob when its all sorted. I've read nothing but prais for peak.

It looks like the domain expired Jan 19 and it now goes to a parking page. I think they have 30 days to renew it starting from the expiration. I hope they get it fixed on Monday.
I've never really had a problem with them over the years and have 7 of their lights, some came in the mail slow, some came fast but they all got here. When I say slow I mean 1-2 days extra which is an eternity when waiting for a new light.:p
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I've bought a Matterhorn HA, a McKinley HA, an Eiger SS, and various battery tubes from Peak over the past year or so, and everything I've received has been top quality. The fact that Peak is easiest to order from over the phone instead of online is problematic in the 21st century, but you need to keep in mind that "Peak LED Solutions" is actually a side business for what is otherwise a machine shop.
I placed an order just this week by phone. I was told that Robyn was at SHOT. I have no doubt that my knurled SS Eiger and El Capitan will arrive soon enough. I have placed an order at least once a year for several years and never had a problem.

Relax and consider that they will take care of you because they are a good company, not because of a public complaint.
Robyn and Mark were at the SHOT show in Vegas. They may want/need to take down their main site or have a redirect to RMSK Inc. (Bob- who as far as I know is designated as the official CONUS order taker/distributer. Bob has always been every bit as helpful as Curt or Robyn when I have called him.) Overseas orders may still be handled by calling PEAK (at least from Curt's previous posts).
Please be patient.
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How have you been "ripped off" when you paid for and and then for free I don't call that ripped off. Your order obviously didn't reflect exactly what you wanted but it's hardly a rip off.
You do not understand. I never got the knurled body. And I can not use the smooth one. I'll have to sell it on eBay for no doubt a deep discount.

I've waited for weeks for them, and gotten only promises. If you think that's impatient, you are blinded by partisanship and your opinion is of no value to me.

At this point I've given up on them, and my purpose here is to try and warn others. Take it, or leave it.
While your response will without a doubt be why this thread is closed, along with others responses..

..you are completely right in your feelings.

The light was supposedly shipped "weeks" ago. If you haven't got it, then that must mean they didn't ship it or it was lost. The latter is probably 99% the problem. In which case you should call them and talk about it.

The main problem in this thread is a non CPFer trying to talk to a lot of regular members. Yes, we all know about PEAK. He doesn't know anything. Not their history, not how many people are there, not what they are doing, and doesn't necessarily need to know. Why? It's irrelevant.

He bought something from a very confusing website thinking it was one thing and god another. Anyones fault really? Depends on which party you ask. PEAK said they would fix it. Weeks later it's in limbo.

Why wouldn't anyone be upset about this :poke:

Like I said, in a friendly tone, you just need to call them and talk. That should make everything better.

PEAK is well respected here. They aren't going to let you down intentionally.
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