Pelican 7060 vs. Strion vs. Stinger


Newly Enlightened
Mar 27, 2008
Hello all!

I m a Deputy Sheriff and was a loyal Stinger user for many years. I still own about 4 of them but don't use them too much. I switched to the Strion immediately after it came out and LOVE the light, but I am finding it hard to use for some tasks. (i.e. tucking under my arm while I write notes on a pad, etc)

I was thinking about going back to the Stinger. I briefly considered the Stinger LED but decided id didn't have the "trow" I was looking for after I used a buddy's.

I have been looking at the Pelican 7060 since it was announced but I don't know anyone with one and I have not handled or seen one in person.

Can someone give me a side-by-side photo of the 7060 with a Stinger and/or Strion?

Also, I am concerned with the availability of holsters for the 7060. Is its diameter similar to the Stinger so it can just slide in an ASP baton holder?

Thanks for your help and info!
Might I make a suggestion; With so many LED adapters available you could have a light 3 c cell length light that has disorienter, high brightness and a 3rd yet lower level, all of which will reduce the mean time between battery changes. A poster named Fivemega has a lot of good stuff. Look in the LED section. I do SAR and Aux. LED is the way to go. One problem with a bright incandescent is just that it is bright. Lot of guys use these small Pelicans that chip in their pockets and have swivel heads for writing tickets. Also if you want an inexpensive but nice light go to Dealextreme and look at the Ultrafire WF500. It come in incandescent and LED. Much cheaper than a Streamlight or Surefire. So many lights , not enough time.
I am an EMT and soon to be Paramedic. A lot of the guys I work with carry the Streamlight stinger and love it. I have used the Surefire E2e for a long time and was battling similar issues that you are. I was trying to decide between the Stinger and the Pelican 7060. To make a long story short I went with the Pelican 7060. I have not been able to use the light a ton yet but the little bit that I have I absolutely love it. From what I understand the Pelican 7060 is a little over an inch longer than the Stinger. The beam in my honest opinion is great. It provides a very nice spot and really does a good job punching into the dark while still providing a useful spill for up close work. It is really bright! The pelican website has a short video clip showing the light which I thought was helpful. There are also several threads reviewing the Pelican 7060 I put the links for the ones that I found and read below. I am sure there are more but those are the ones I found just searching for a few minutes. I almost forgot, one of the main selling points for me was the fact that the 7060 will remain at full brightness the entire life of the battery while the stinger is not regulated and the brightness will continually reduce as you use it. Hope this helps...
I am sorry that I do not have a picture for you, but I have used all three well as the ultrastinger, which I really liked.

I would suggest the 7060 over the others if you are looking for output (both throw and overall output) I also think it would work better than the strion and stinger for underarm carry. Its lens is also shatterproof if you drop it.

The 7060 and Tiablo MA6 and Fenix T1 are the three best led lights I have ever had. If I were a cop in uniform, I would pick the 7060 over either the MA6 of the T1. It is truely a great light.

edit: here are some beamshots and another review to look at:
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LE to LE go with the pelican 7060, its the best LEO light thats been produced in a while, you will NOT be disappointed!
Also, this is taking in consideration all the features you need/want the pelican is waterproof, has a LiPoly battery, and most of all is VERY tough, Throws FAR, is a LED, and requires no mods, its great out of the box, also there are many holsters in different styles for it for your sam brown.
These are the other lights I have used,
Mag Charger, Streamlight sl 20, Ultrastinger, Tigerlight, and different mods, by far the 7060 is the best light, may not be the brightest (although its pretty damn bright), but as far as LE goes, it is the best for the job

:twothumbs to the 7060

edit just read your WHOLE post to answer some questions:
The 7060 im pretty positive will outshine all of those streamlights

also the holster is included with the light, and available in 3 diff styles, plain leather, basketweave, or nylon
but a lot of companies are making them now, since this is the "LAPD" light
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The 7060 is a decent LED light but its size and lack of carry options is a HUGE drawback. I tried the slide type holster that came with it, and the aluminum cooling fins shredded a wool uniform shirt. I then tried carrying it in my uniform pants sap pocket (a pocket the is sewn into the back of the pant leg) and the Pelican shredded that pocket.

Instead of the Pelican, look at the newest Inova T4. Great LED output Li-Ion battery technology, multi-mode operation, all aluminum construction and it will fit in existing Stinger holsters, as they're about the same size.

I've only gotten to play with the 7060. It was pretty impressive. I doubt you would go wrong with it. I've had a strion for some time and love it. I do see the problem with holding it under your arm. I was in Batteries Plus last week, and noticed the new strions have a new ribbed design on the barrel. I think that to be a real improvement on the strion, especially when wet. That said, I've yet to have a pelican light to fail. I've yet to have the strion fail either. Good luck on your decision.

I haven't played with or used the 7060. For me it is too small, regardless of how great the light is. I use an UltraStinger as my main light. It doubles as an improvised impact weapon. Let's face it, you will usually have your light in your hand with things go south. Drawing an ASP when things go south is usually something you don't have time for. That's what my UltraStinger is for. Plus it is bright and throws really well with huge spill.

I also carry a Stinger DS LED for building searches since it has a strobe. Also it's easier to search vehicles with. I can also dim the beam when I am identifying pills found on those searches. Uses the same charger as the UltraStinger so you only have to mount one in the car.

Lastly I've got a Surefire 6P w/ Malkoff M60 on my belt to back up the other two. I've been there when my UltraStinger's bulb broke, I had forgotten to charge my Stinger and I'm out on a traffic stop at night when I noticed all of this. How's that for being frowned upon by the flashlight gods? I thought about replacing this with a Strion until I got the Malkoff. Case closed on that one.

1. Throws a LONG way and bright.
2. Good weapon if necessary.

Stinger DS LED:
1. variable power, strobe
2. Throws well, even if it isn't the brightest.

6P w/ Malkoff M60
1. Backup for the others.

just my $.02

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