Pepper pad 3 anybody have one?


Dec 6, 2005
New York City
I would love one to just browse the web while I lay in bed as opposed to sitting at my computer desk to browse on my laptop, which is forever entangled in wires and peripherals that I prefer not to detach... but unfortunately the price tag steers me away until I have a job that pays better.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 27, 2005
Maryland, USA
I just ordered a Pepper Pad 3 so I can relax on the couch while surfing. To me it seems perfect , a PDA is too small, an UMPC too expensive.
Anybody else have one?

I put in an order at Newegg for a PepperPad 3 and just got mine a few weeks ago. So far my experience has been disappointing. My main goal was to have a quick booting web device that could allow me to read TV listings and possibly control my A/V equipment. I also wanted The ability to read PDFs and Word documents.

The PP3 was designed to be left in a suspend power mode. Waking up from this mode takes about 10 seconds. Booting from a cold start takes about 1:45 minutes. When I tried to load up a MS-Word document, I got an error message that there were no usable local apps installed and that I'd have to use an online reader if I want to read MS-Word files.

Which leads me to the WiFi. I was going through hell trying to get the PP3 to see my access point and even when it could see the AP, it had problems getting an IP address. Eventually I connected OK, but as soon as I put the PP3 into sleep mode and turn it on again, I ran into the same connection problem all over again. I notified Pepper of my troubles and even sent them my log files. Apparently there is a problem with the Linux WPA wireless driver. They tell me that they are working on a solution. In the meantime if I want to connect reliably to my router, I need to change the WiFi encryption from WPA to WEP (a weaker protocol).

When my PepperPad does connect, it seems to load web pages at a decent speed. Most websites seem to load correctly. But the browser is a little slow with websites that use alot of java programming and XML. The PepperPad also has a version of AOL & MSN instant messaging, so you can IM people from your couch or toilet. For some reason the IM sound effects on my PP3 are not working, I've checked the settings and volume and have notified Pepper support of the issue. The Bluetooth feature is very, very limited. Only keyboards & mice are supported at this time. You cannot perform file transfers or connect to your PC or cell phone.

The PP3 probably should have left out the built-in camera, the resolution isn't too good and the lens is way too close to the user. I have to hold the PP3 completely at arms length to get my face in the frame. I'm guessing that they added the camera for future video conferencing use, as it stands now the camera would be very inconvenient to use.

The IR remote control app that is included does allow for IR learning and macros. But unfortunately the macros cannot be scheduled to run at specific times. Also this is not a very handy device to replace your remote control due to the slow wake from suspend times. Assuming that the PP3 is in suspend mode, I think the idea of waiting 10 seconds before you can use your remote is a tremendous pain in the ***.

One of the few things that the PepperPad 3 can do well is to play video files. Most of the major codecs like WMV and DivX are supported and the playback quality is good.

The PepperPad 3 isn't nearly as nice as I thought it would be. It looks like the company tried to do many things instead of concentrating on a few important features. As a result most of the apps offer mediocre features and performance. Unless you are very into Linux I don't recommend this device. Without a knowledge of the Linux OS and commands you won't be able to install apps on your own or do power user configurations.


Modulated Moderator
Oct 28, 2005
The Land of Baked Beans and Red Sox
Didn't you know? Radio plays a mean tuba...;)

Hey Bert!!!! I stole your Ball!!!! :nana:




Newly Enlightened
Apr 21, 2004
I looked at the PP3 but was worried about the issues above since I'd be using for work. For a couple hundred more I purchased a Samsung Q1, I'm not having any issues using any MS office programs. Its windows XP pro tablet software. Other than using a bluetooth keyboard, very happy with product.