Pics of Mags with crenulated/strike bezels


May 22, 2006
I just got my Mac's Custom Mag SST-50 drop-in :naughty: and put it in a silver 3D Mag. I'm thinking of adding a polished aluminum slightly crenulated bezel or the agressive strike bezel to the light. Can anyone post a pic of your light with one of these aftermarket bezels installed. I wanted to see what they look like before taking the plunge. I'm also wondering if the super beam from the Mag SST-50 drop-in will be destroyed by adding one of these bezels. Thanks all!
Thanks for sharing mrartillery. Sweet lights! Is that a custom made strike bezel or are they available for purchase somewhere? I was looking at possibly buying one of the ones on the Malkoff Devices website. How does it affect the beam pattern?
Thanks for sharing mrartillery. Sweet lights! Is that a custom made strike bezel or are they available for purchase somewhere? I was looking at possibly buying one of the ones on the Malkoff Devices website. How does it affect the beam pattern?

No, I bought the last one member Cfromc had several months ago. The side spill of the beam comes out as the pattern of the cren, I think its kinda cool. :naughty:
I don't have any pictures of Mags with the crenulated bezels but I have a picture with all the stainless bezels that I have next to each other.

I sold all my crenulated bezels. I'm just not that fond of them but that is just my personal opinion. My favorite is the download smooth stainless bezel. I do have a picture with that bezel on a Mag.

