Pila goes Cree


Jan 29, 2004
Washington State
No real press release to point you to for this tidbit. But I thought it was something important enough to post about.

I received an email from PermaLight (the manufacturer of Pila lights) informing me that they will be offering a new Cree XR-E emitter that will fit both the Pila GL2 Cavaliere and the GL3 Commendatore lights.

The release mentioned the new emitter as being 'super-regulated' so that it will work in both 6 and 9 volt lights. I take this to mean that the 'emitter' is actually a new light engine with regulation circuitry...I could be wrong...wouldn't be the first time, that's for sure.

If I receive any more information, I'll post it to this thread. :popcorn:
Hmmm...so nobody owns any Pila lights?

I guess Cree fever hasn't contaminated Pila lights. Yet. :laughing:

Am I missing something here? :awman:
I have a GL4 and I am delighted with it. I use it with 2 X 18650 and the LF EO-9L bulb for 450 lumens / 45 minutes or so.

Any idea if the new head would work on a GL4 with 2 X 18650 (8.4 volts max.)?

That would be a great combo -- probably 4 to 6 hours on 150+ lumens.
Well, I don´t think it´s output will beat the regulary xenon LA of a GL3 and since LF has a D26 LA available that seems to beat the Pila LA I am not that interested in a cree drop in for my pila light. Of cource the runtime should be great with that cree drop in but since I use rechargeables I don´t mind swapping them.

I think this is fantastic. I have been eyeing the LuxIII drop in to put in my Brinkmann Maxfire for some time (it fits that even though it doesn't fit the SF G2). Having a Longer running (or preferably brighter) Cree version sounds wonderful!
Tessaiga said:
ok.. i know this sounds silly, but i'm gonna ask... what does a Cree do???


Are you asking how it would compare to the stock light or what the CREE actually is? The CREE is the latest/greatest LED step. First were 3mm and 5mm LEDs which aren't terribly bright. Then Luxeon LEDs in 1watt and 3watt versions. Then a Luxeon 5watt that didn't have as much throw and are better for lighting up a room vs distant objects and were less effecient than the better Lux IIIs (3 watt) and put out more heat as well.

Now with the CREE/SSC P4s, we have LEDs that throw like Lux IIIs, put out as much light as the 5 watt Luxeons and provide better runtime than either.
I don't know how long it is going to run but Pila is claiming 120 Lumens for the output. I intend to get one around the end of March beginning of April and I will be extensively reviewing it then. I won't have much by the way of measurements though but there should be some decent comparisons...