I've been wanting to get a rechargeable light for some time now. Don't wanna spend the $$ for a SF...heard too much negative feedback about their rechargeables, anyway. Size is a factor, 'cause I wanna carry it on my belt at work. US, SL20/35 size lights are too big. I've heard good things about the Stinger line...I've held a Poly Stinger, and really liked the fit and feel. That was some time ago though, and there's some things I don't recall. Is the Poly's switch momentary/on, or just on/off? I know the output is listed at 15,000CP (tightest focus, I presume...), but what is it's lumen output? How will it throw on tightest focus compared to a SF 6P with a P60 LA? Who has the best prices for a Poly Stinger? Does it come with a spare bulb? Thanx in advance for any and all replies/opinions!