Popular 6P Modifications?


Newly Enlightened
May 6, 2010
I had no idea there was so much out there in the way of flashlights. I think I have found a new hobby, and it's a heck of a lot cheaper than firearms, lol!!! So for a newbie wanting to learn can anyone recommend any good websites or places to buy lights, parts etc.? I just purchased a Surefire P6 for a weapon light on a Colt 6920. I have ordered a Malkoff M60 drop in for it. What are some other popular mods for this light? I would assume a new tailcap with a momentary on and click on for full time would also be a popular mod just not sure which one to use or where to purchase. I appreciate any and all help and advice.
Talk about coincidences. Just now received my 6P McClicky switch and A19 extender body. Switch seems like a work of art and the extender now gives me the option of either 2 cells or 3 cells for a bit of extra run time for my Malkoff drop-ins. I ordered both the hard press and soft press for the switch but the hard press seems good enough for me. BTW, I've never wanted lights for my many firearm toys since I've considered them a toss up of good and bad luck.
Talk about coincidences. Just now received my 6P McClicky switch and A19 extender body. Switch seems like a work of art and the extender now gives me the option of either 2 cells or 3 cells for a bit of extra run time for my Malkoff drop-ins. I ordered both the hard press and soft press for the switch but the hard press seems good enough for me. BTW, I've never wanted lights for my many firearm toys since I've considered them a toss up of good and bad luck.

Where did you buy the 6P parts?


Clicky caps are one choice, some also like microcontroller based tailcaps that add modes and strobes (if you buy into the effectiveness of strobes on close-quarters combat) - the Blitzer tailcap springs to mind, but it's not the only one. Clips are another thing you might consider; Lighthound sells some that are compatible, but not specifically designed for your new 6p. Extensions, rechargeable kits, and multiple dropins are another excellent choice.

Go looking? There's a good start right there, and there's a ton more ideas that I'm not touching on (incandescent modules galore, too - you might like the Fivemega bi-pin kits if you really get into this stuff, but they're not as reliable on a weapon mount.)
G&P also market an AI tailcap (as well as Surefire 6P compatible accessories) :thumbsup:

As for potential sources... try eBay :D
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