Problems with my Xenuni 432-XR light... Any help?

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Oct 29, 2009
hey thanks for all the friendly responses to my first post... i actually had an issue with another one of my flashlights that I was hoping I could get help with... i have a Xenuni 425-KlZ super scope, you guys know what I'm talking about... it's a great light and really helps shed some light on things (lol jk) when i'm coal mining or just tracking the ferrets that have been literally infesting my entire property... so anyway it usually works great, but the last couple of days it hasn't been shining as bright... i thought it may have been some after effects from the other day, when I used it to hammer nails in when i was re-shingling my roof... but it's supposed to be real durable you know what i mean, that's what all the commericals say.... and i just couldn't find my hammer for the life of me, even though I know for a fact i've bought 28 new hammers in the last 3 years alone..... well anyway is it possible i disloged the hyminator tube inside the fuselage or could it just be that i need new batteries? any help would be great, it's just so hard figuring out when your light has a problem you know what i mean
Well, I know what you mean...

Some advice. Hammers are better suited for shingling roofs than flashlights... You know what I mean...

I don't know what you're doing that you've gone through 28 hammers, but you probably shouldn't use your light for it.

Know what I mean? Yeah, you do...
Can we see some pictures of this flashlight? Maybe a link?
I has a feelin this guy be spammin'

You know what I mean?

Two threads like this, with his first two posts. Totally spammin' :thumbsdow

*chorus line* spam spam spam, spammitty spammitty spammitty SPAM!!!
Well I'm not sure what "spammin" means but I'm pretty sure I'm not doing it... if i am than i'm as suprized as you are you know what i mean... I would post a picture but 1. i don't own a camera 2. the library only lets me use this computer for 20 minutes at a time and 3. i would like to think if someone's on CPF than they know what a 425-KLZ super scope looks like or else find some flashlight amateur hour website somewhere to post on i mean geez lousie
I have never heard of a "Xenuni 425-KlZ super scope" and my guess is that most of us here have never heard of it either.

Searching google for that term sends me to this thread.

Could you post a link to the light? Is it a rebrand of another light? What kind of light is it (LED, incan, battery type and so on)?

What is a "hyminator tube"?

Also, how do you loose 28 hammers in three years? How big is your house and yard to be able to loose 28 hammers in 3 years without coming across a hammer when walking around? Also, if you bought that many hammers, why don't you have your own computer yet (You can find a fully functional used one for less then $100, I've seen some for less then $50)?

Have you tried changing the batteries? Batteries don't last forever you know.

Either way, :welcome:
Lightinmyeyes, you aren't making a great deal of sense. Your two posts have attracted some good-natured ridicule, which will be tolerated within reason. Please consider carefully the need for you to clarify your intentions here...
I'm sorry if you guys don't like my posts.... I love flashlights- LOVE them... all i hear about from my friends at the dairy is how great CPF is, how much they've learned about flashlights, how much this information effects literally every aspect of their lives..... and finally i came on and hoped to get feedback from some of you guys, and some of you have been really really awesome and some of you i guess hate me with a burning passion but all i really wanted to do was talk about flashlights you know what i mean... i wish i had the money to go out right now and buy a digital camera so i could show you guys my super scope but i just can't, wishin is wishin you know what i'm sayin... i wish my Pa had both legs still but there's no point in wastin your days away with wishin....

and the reason i have so many hammers is i also collect them, but my organizational system is far too complicated and i need to restructure it for situations like this
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