PT Amp 4 or 5: Anyone get one?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 30, 2003
Connecticut, USA
Anyone get one of these? Their forte seems to be long regulated runtime and a nice poly build. I'm wondering about the beam quality of the Rebel. I like that the 5.0 has 3 nichia DS leds for "low".

I don't know why I find these appealing; maybe if I found out the beam was ugly, I could drop the notion of getting a 5.0.
It looks like it could be a good replacement to the well liked SL Propolymer 4aa.
It looks like it could be a good light to walk the dog with.
I was looking at the light on REI and I think they have a mistake on it. It advertises 150 hours on high, and only 120 on low! They must have switched them or something.
I too was intrigued by the idea of the Amp 5.0 - maybe the long awaited ProPoly 4AA Luxeon replacement and a LunaSol for the average guy. Unfortunately, it's neither.

The high beam is a little wider than the ProPoly, and the flood appears to be about equal in intensity, but the Amp has an ugly, dim hot spot and it can't touch the throw of the ProPoly.

And while the LunaSols have nice, even, white low beams from the 3mm and 5mm arrays, the 5mm's in the Amp produce an ugly, uneven beam with a blue hot spot. I don't know why they bothered with separate emitters for the low beam instead of a two-stage driver for the Rebel. The 5mm's add nothing to this light.

I'm a big fan of the PT headlamps, so this is nothng again PT in general, but this Amp 5.0 is an absolute dud of a light. I'd rather have a ProPoly 4AA Luxeon and clip a Photon Freedom to the lanyard hole. (And that combo would be cheaper than the Amp.)
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Any chance of a beamshot of the high mode? I myself bought the AMP 3 and I kind of have a love/hate relationship with it. I'd like to know if the AMP 4 or 5 uses a similar optic or has a similar beam as the new EOS.
I've never had any luck with beamshots, but here's a shot of the business end of the emitter module (you remove it to access the batteries). The reflector is smooth and ~18mm in diameter.

It uses a reflector? PT's site mentions use of optics. Well that just made me lose interest in the 4.
That's too bad about about the beam quality. I was hoping for a good replacement. I guess we will have to wait on that.