Q for Dexlight X.1


Feb 18, 2007
Hey guys, for the Dexlight X.1, I know that it direct drives initially on a Li-ion battery, but is that bad for the LED? As I understand, the battery comes off the charger at around 4.2V where are the Cree LED is rated at 1A at 3.7V. So wouldn't pushing 4.2V through the LED kinda be pushing it a little hard? And how long can one expect for it to last on using a Li-Ion in it?
i have JB MKIIx and it's the same light engine with DX X.1.
i run mine on high with 14500 no more than 2-3 minutes eventhough the JB website stated that it should run dd not more than 10 minutes or the LED will turn cookie or degraded in output.
i have JB MKIIx and it's the same light engine with DX X.1.
i run mine on high with 14500 no more than 2-3 minutes eventhough the JB website stated that it should run dd not more than 10 minutes or the LED will turn cookie or degraded in output.

Would running it at the lower levels for extended periods of time be fine? And is the reason it shouldn't be run for long times on high with 14500 is the heat that accumulates after a while or is it just plain overdriving the LED too much and should be avoided for extended periods of time?
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i have run my JB MKIIx with 14500 cell on low or medium level of more than 10 minutes with no heat issue,warm but still touchable.
I think it is not the issue of heat accumulates in the torch as the body is made of steel but more to the issue of the LED durability in the long run.
So its more of an issue of how hard its driving it correct? This would be my most expensive flashlight and I definitely would want it to last.
I just tried a 14500 in it and .. man does it get hot on anything but low and medium. It gets hot really quickly so I would assume that this is a bad thing? Maybe the new LiFePO4 batteries in here would be fine for extended use?
I just tried a 14500 in it and .. man does it get hot on anything but low and medium. It gets hot really quickly so I would assume that this is a bad thing? Maybe the new LiFePO4 batteries in here would be fine for extended use?
It get hot quickly? Great!
That means the heat from the LED is transferring to the body. When you are holding the light, Your hand acts as a second heat-sink and removes the heat from the LED to prevent the LED form frying. Holding the light also keeps the light cooler and it might not get hot as fast.
I've used my Jet MK1, different light I know, but is more overdriven than any of the later generations (MKII, MKIIx, X1), for 25+ minutes straight on 14500 and it gets super hot!, but I haven't noticed any degradation to the LED. Actually, it's gotten brighter since I first had it (may be due to the VF dropping a bit). I'm sure it's not good or ideal for the LED, but if it craps out, that's what newer LED technology is for.
I've used my Jet MK1, different light I know, but is more overdriven than any of the later generations (MKII, MKIIx, X1), for 25+ minutes straight on 14500 and it gets super hot!, but I haven't noticed any degradation to the LED. Actually, it's gotten brighter since I first had it (may be due to the VF dropping a bit). I'm sure it's not good or ideal for the LED, but if it craps out, that's what newer LED technology is for.

I wouldn't care so much at all if I knew how to open the head of the flashlight. Is the LED in the Dexlight X1 fairly easy to replace? I really wanna replace it with a Q5 but don't want to mess the light up.
Not sure about the Dexlight X1, but all Jetbeam LED modules are epoxied or glued into the head permanently...and I mean permanently. They use something that is impervious to heat and everything else you can throw at it. Again, not sure this applies to the Dex X1. If it doesn't twist easily out, try placing it in a bag for 5-10 minutes in boiling water, and if it still doesn't come out, try no more.

I've been considering the Dexlight X1 lately...really love the look, but concerned about the UI. Plus, the latest Rexlight 2.1s seem to have better runtime at equal outputs.