QQ presents CPF combined effort: The Purificator


Jul 16, 2007
Kaunas, Lithuania
hehe, well, OK, flashy title aside.. ;)

It all started when I got an amazing pick - choppers offered his Ele II with FM3V-2, 8S IMR18650 and Osram 64657 24v 250w bulb overdriven @ 32v or so. Oh-my-dear. That thing was blinding.

But then I thought.. what brightest bi-pin bulb can I put into that? And there were three obvious choices:

Osram 64663 - 36v 400w 50h bulb, 16k lumens
Osram 64664 - 36v 400w 150h bulb, 14k lumens
Osram 64665 - 36v 400w 300h bulb, 12k lumens

Sooo.. I looked around, and found one of forum members who managed to put 64663 into Ele II with 10S IMR's.. thats about how far it goes without softstart. 64664 seems to be poor overvolter, and 64665.. well, that one is huge, aaand can take some serious voltage.

So I started preparing.

First I asked fellow CPFers if anyone could take apart batter pack for me, to get me some nice high discharge LiMHs. Found one.. Starlight helped me out here greatly.. got one Mag623, one quad bored Mag2D from him, and he took apart one battery pack for me, so I got 20 high discharge batts.

Then I ordered one more gun metal gray EleII extension tube and 12S battery holder from Fivemega. Got them in just fine, without any issues whatsoever.

Then there was a big issue of a switch. First I asked AW if he could make a high voltage softstart switch. And I really needed SS one. Sure he said, I can make 40V 250W one, but thats it. No good. And then, digging around, I found Jimmy, who was able to scavenge one of his softstarters, upgrade them with high voltage FET, package it with KIUs socket, and ship to me. It came in, and it worked perfectly.

And there was the only last thing that I was missing: reflector. And not just simple one. 18mm opening one. eight-een-friggin-mm. I noticed modamag selling some of his, and jumped the ship. Asked him to bore it out to 18mm, and he broke my heart - why would I want to ruin a perfectly nice HID reflector?? But I insisted. So it came in, and.. surprise surprise, didn't fit FM3V-2. Oh crap. I took out my file, and started working, only to find it's no use.. way too mych exterior to file down. Sooo, I went to my friends, and used his <put in that word for the instrument with a spinning stone to file something> to slim it down...or so I thought. Went back only to find it still too large. Oh well, some more filing, and it ALMOST fits. Well, at least bezel screws on now.

Soooo... I was ready.

Gun Metal Gray Ele II.
FM3V-2 with Modamag custom LOP HID reflector @ 18mm opening.
FM 18S 18650 battery holder.
Jimmy's high voltage softstarter with KIUs high temp socket.
Osram 64665 36v 400w bulb @ 48v.

I wont even list AWRs hotrater readings for this setup. They are insane(ly inaccurate).

Let me just say, that ceiling bounce blinds me. Can't hold my hand anywhere close to it. Head gets hot in seconds.

And I'll try to take some pictures as soon as my heart stops pounding.


some pics now:

bulb comparison:


the Purificator next to L1D:


the bulb inside D tube:


cooling down:


What kind of beamshots would you guys want? Outside ones are tad more difficult, but for inside I have lots of lights to compare, Mag623, Mag85, QuadP7, POB HID, etc..

To Do:

Since 64665 is "only" 12k rated, I want to try and push 64663 some more instead. 11S should be doable with SS, I think. Will have to try :)

I'll keep you updated..
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Q, I got to give it to your for being persistent.
Should be one helk of a light.

One minor suggestion, your bulb is ridding quite a bit high. Drop it into the body more for better focus.
Actually, at first it was very very low, so I had to raise the socket a bit with nuts.. now, I can adjust it quite a bit with the head, but it doesnt seem to change a lot - it has a decent hotspot, but otherwise, its almost all a floodlight, no matter how high or low the bulb is (which is, of course, due to small reflector and large filament, but thats a good thing - i wanted it that way, flood is my taste.. ;)

UPDATE: tried 64663 @ 11S a bit depleted (43.9v), it didn't poof!

even though this picked up no attention whatsoever, I thought I'll give a small update.

Jimmy's SST died for some reason, so it took some time roundtripping it for a fix. It's fixed now, and I've successfully started 64663 @ 48.3v @ battery pack. That's 16000 bulb lumens overdriven 34%! 500ish watt Mag :)
I'm glad I was of some help to you. It looks like you really have a FLOOD (of) light. Your next effort needs to be the Larry12k. 600W bulb, unbelievable throw and flood, and much, much cheaper. I light up aircraft flying at low levels over my house. You can see the entire underside. Email me if you want to talk about it.
That is one SICK build! Great Job! I'll be waiting for the beamshots, but, "The Purificator", odd, sounds like the thing I need for my drinking water, that's OK though, I'm sure those beamshots will overshadow the name. :popcorn:
I'm glad I was of some help to you. It looks like you really have a FLOOD (of) light. Your next effort needs to be the Larry12k. 600W bulb, unbelievable throw and flood, and much, much cheaper. I light up aircraft flying at low levels over my house. You can see the entire underside. Email me if you want to talk about it.

Yes, its like sun raising in the yard! But, actually, that's how I wanted it! I prefer flood over throw, and if there's one thing that huge bulb in that small reflector does right it's flood!
Wow that thing is a monster! :faint: Can you do a comparison shot of a 623 and your light, indoor or outdoor? :popcorn:
Sure, I really need a tripod though! I've tried comparing it to some smaller size flashlight, but if I wanted to keep it at same camera exposure, then either the smaller flashlight brought in completely black photo, or this beast completely clipped everywhere :)
Just a quick update: the 64663 went :poof: @ 50.2v :) no wonder! I only had two, so I need some more, want to find it's spot.

Anyway, I had some indoor pictures take of this against, Mag623 (or was it Mag625? Or Mag138?), Mag85, ElektroLumens QuadP7, P7 and MiniHID, but then saw hour it illuminates the whole messy room and decided to redo them in more empty space :)
The switch went out :) Or, rather, went IN - I turned it on, and it just stayed there, no chance to turn it off :)

But thats not the story here.

I've taken it apart, took a good luck at it, moved wires here and there, but couldn't diagnose. So I thought, hey, perhaps by a lucky chance it will work. I've assembled the light, put in the batter pack - 50v, being able to put out like 20A or even more, mind you - and knowing full well how many fireworks come out if its on when I try to screw on cap, I thought to use a multimeter to measure it instead. But here's the amazing part of it: when I moved the cap close to it, close being like 5mm or so, I felt a distinctive shock coming through my fingers! Woah! My fingers were a bit moisty, and that was enough.. These 12S battery packs are no toy..