If you want to use a 18650, then the T10L is your choice. But yes, the T10C may run on a single Li-Ion, but it won't be fully regulated. On the other hand, the regulation on the T10L is stellar.Will this light use either a 17650 or a 18650 as well as the CR123's??:thinking:
Any and all help is appreciated!!
No, not a difference at all. At least not to my naked eyes. You'll need an Integrating Sphere to know if there is any actual difference (which I don't think there is).I know the lumens rating of these two lights differ. The T10C2 is rated at 295, the other 255. Is there a noticable diff in brightness regardless?
I'm about your size and, come to think of it, almost always wear cargo pants when I don't have to wear dress pants. That may be why I think of the T10C2 as pocketable. I also carry it in various jacket or coat pockets (though not a dress suit pocket). For carrying in dress pants pockets, though, perhaps it is a bit large.I'm a decent sized guy (6ft 190lbs) but think the T10C2 might be on the large side of "pocketable". Not really a problem with me as I usually wear 'cargo/carpenter' style pants off-duty and am always armed with a Glock 27 in my pocket (size comparison) which goes unnoticed by the public. Most people, however, don't carry those size items in their pockets regularly.... If that's your main mode of carry, I'd say for the "average person" go with the P10C2.