Question about first mag mod


Newly Enlightened
Jun 15, 2008
Hi everyone,

So I came to these forums just looking for some good flashlights for riding my bike at night, and now I find that my wallet has magically gotten thinner. :thinking:

After spending every free minute of the last four days reading about the different kind of mag mods, I think I'm going to try my first attempt at one. I plan to make a mag85, so I started to make a list of the parts that I needed. What I realized was that there is a huge price difference between the quality parts that many people recommend here and the cheaper parts available at places like KD and DX. So I made a parts list and was hoping that I could get some opinions.

Lower cost:
KD MOP Reflector:
KD Bi-pin Adapter:
DX Glass Lens:

Higher cost:
SS Camless MOP Reflector:
FM G4 bi-pin socket:
Borofloat Lens from flashlightlens:

Common items that I would use either way:
Mdocod 9AA > 3D adaptor from:
Three WA-01185 bulbs from litho123 from:

I have a bunch of eneloops so I will probably be using them, and will probably just pick up a 3D Mag locally.

Total cost if using DX/KD items: $68.04
Total cost if of other method: $98.24
(both don't include cost of the mag or eneloops)

My question now is if I go with the cheaper method of using DX/KD will I be disappointed? And will things start to break faster than I hope?

I know $30 isn't that much to pay for higher quality, but I was hoping to save a little money on my first build, as I plan to use it mainly for getting myself familiar with the parts. Was hoping that the $30 saved would let me start on the next project sooner :rolleyes:. (I know I shouldn't get ahead of myself here, but I get so excited when I see some of the pictures posted here.)

I would appreciate any advice/opinions/thoughts. Thanks for reading, and sorry for the long post.

- Alex

P.S. Not sure if it's going to be important, but the light probably isn't going to be used that often. I'll probably carry it around when I walk the dog at night, but with all the lights around (NYC) it's not like I really need the light. It will be more of a light that I turn on to make myself smile and giggle. :)
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I can not comment on the higher end stuff but I can on a few of the lower ends...

The KD glass lenses come in 5 packs for a reason: they shatter easily :)

The KD bi-pin socket is what I would call "finicky" and problematic. The little set screw should have been a little larger as it strips out so easy it's not even funny. I ordered 2 and am glad I did as one of them is basically useless at this point. Been trying to be be careful with the other one :)

IMO: the KIU socket switch mod is probably the best option if you want great results and a reasonable price :)

Oh.... i almost forgot...(edit in)

The 1185 is hot enough that the Borofloat lens is really the only way to go.

+1 for the Kiu socket also. It's very high quality and non-finicky. :thumbsup:

The reflector from KD should be fine.
Here is my 2 cents DONT waist your money on the cheap glass lense get the good one from flashlightlens either the boro or ucl they are both NOTICABLY brighter when used in a high powerd light. The Borofloat lens is far better for heat displacement, it will still be hot out the front, but with the glass you cant hardly touch the end even for a second, plus the Borofloat will be more shadder resistant.:thumbsup:

As for the reflector I love my KD reflector the cam is removable for different applications. IE like a Kiu high temp socket. The one I have has a fairly smooth beam, and with a little work on my switch it has nice focus. After I got mine (SMO) I orderd another (MOP) Hope this helps.
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The KD antireflective glass is pretty decent, but $5 each - not really any cheaper.

The KD reflector however is perfectly adequate. The flat spot at the bottom makes it a bit ringy, but I really don't care. I've got a Fivemega/Eneloop ROP using those two parts and the Kai "Golden Shorty" tailspring (dremeled to round the sharp edge off a hair so it's not sharp enough to scrape up the adaptor or lithium cells) and it works great. Won't fit stock Mag bulbs through the undersized hole, though - destroyed one that way when I had a lapse of memory and, perhaps, reason.
Thanks for all the quick replies. :thumbsup:

So I guess I will be avoiding KD for everything except maybe the reflector. I see that the KIU socket is being highly recommended. I took a look at the KIU socket and was wondering how hard it would be to install? One of the reasons that I was thinking of using the FM adapter was because it just looked simpler. Thoughts?

Thanks again, I really appreciate it.

- Alex

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