Question about SF L1 Cree Lens Type


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 22, 2007
After reading all the rave reviews and testimonials about the SF L1 light I just had to get one. I wanted to make sure I got the new Cree edition, and by everything I have read it looks like I did.

However I noticed on several threads it shows the Cree L1 with a frosted lens, as in this post:

My light has a clear lens (below). Are there two versions of this light, one with clear and one with a frosted lens, or is one a newer version than the other?

As a side note, I now know what all the fuss is about! This light is not only flawlessly built, but the interface and high/low beam is the best and most useful of any light that I have. It also feels way better and more secure to hold, especially for a 1 cell light. I have an Olight T10 and Fenix P3D RB100, both which I really like, but I never realized how much of a difference it would make to have something so easy to hold onto and use! :twothumbs

Another surprise was the brightness - I prepared myself for a relatively dim light since it claims a max of 65 lumens, since I'm used to at least 180+ lumens from all my lights (Olight, Fenix, Deree, Wolf-Eyes). But this light is far from dim, and is right up there in brightness with my Olight T10. It just has a bigger spot and not quite as bright spill. Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised! Apparently the way a company measures lumens of their lights can very greatly....

Here is my new favorite light: :grin2:


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I too have been getting very interested in the L1 and have noticed two different lens types. Does anyone have both and can compare comment? I wonder which one I would prefer and also how to go about getting the one I would want.

I wonder if the frosted lens was offered to provide a smoother beam and better spill. Since optics generally do not have good spill I would think the frosted (or is it really more slightly "pebbled" and looks frosted) to disperse more spill light?
It would make sense that they released a version of this (or maybe re-released) this light with a slightly frosted lens. It is very bright with a generously large hot spot, but the spill could be brighter in my opinion. I think having a lens that was lightly frosted would redistribute the light a little better making this little light perfect.

I too have been getting very interested in the L1 and have noticed two different lens types. Does anyone have both and can compare comment? I wonder which one I would prefer and also how to go about getting the one I would want.

I wonder if the frosted lens was offered to provide a smoother beam and better spill. Since optics generally do not have good spill I would think the frosted (or is it really more slightly "pebbled" and looks frosted) to disperse more spill light?
My E2L is frosted, my 1st L1 that I has to send to SF for repair had a frosted lense like my E2L. Replacement L1 has almost no frosting. I first tought there was no frosting but if you look at it under light you can see it. What I see as a difference is the hotspot that looks slightly diffused. My new L1 with almost no frosting has a smaller (off-center) hotspot inside the main hotspot. The small hotspot is probably off-center because the LED looks off-center but I don't mind it. It seems to have more throw than my 1st Cree L1. On my E2L, the emitter is also slightly off-center but I don't see the smaller hotspot.

L1 on left, E2L on right:
My E2L is frosted, my 1st L1 that I has to send to SF for repair had a frosted lense like my E2L. Replacement L1 has almost no frosting. I first tought there was no frosting but if you look at it under light you can see it. What I see as a difference is the hotspot that looks slightly diffused. My new L1 with almost no frosting has a smaller (off-center) hotspot inside the main hotspot. The small hotspot is probably off-center because the LED looks off-center but I don't mind it. It seems to have more throw than my 1st Cree L1. On my E2L, the emitter is also slightly off-center but I don't see the smaller hotspot.
Now that I look at my light very closely, you're right - it is just very lightly frosted. I am thinking they must have reduced the lens frosting to achieve more throw, which worked very well. I've taken this thing outside to see it's throw capabilities, and it is very close to my Olight T10 in that department. The nice thing about this hotspot is that it's much larger, and lights up a medium range target much better than my Olight due to the much larger hotspot.

Thanks for the input!
I have an E2L(L1 on the way though) and have the same lens, just every so lightly frosted. Can only see it when you look at just the right angle. I don't have any of the previous lights so I can say if it makes as difference but I can say this E2L has the most usable beam of any of my lights... love the big hotspot.
Wooo-hoo! :twothumbs

Right now, I have ordered a Surefire L1 for me too, with MattK. It will be my first SF, after a lot of good comments here about this light.

Special thanks for all the tips, guys. :thumbsup:

Can´t wait to see it working!
Wooo-hoo! :twothumbs

Right now, I have ordered a Surefire L1 for me too, with MattK. It will be my first SF, after a lot of good comments here about this light.

Special thanks for all the tips, guys. :thumbsup:

Can´t wait to see it working!

It's impressive how many people bought the L1 based on comments! :) It really looks like a winner!
It's impressive how many people bought the L1 based on comments! :) It really looks like a winner!

Yes... I do realize this too. I´ve never saw someone talking bad about the new SF L1, so I had to trust my fellows CPF´ers...

Probably my search for the perfect EDC light soon will be over! :laughing:
Yes... I do realize this too. I´ve never saw someone talking bad about the new SF L1, so I had to trust my fellows CPF´ers...

Probably my search for the perfect EDC light soon will be over! :laughing:
I think you are probably right - it seems like they put everything I needed for the perfect EDC into this little L1. It is also my first Surefire, and I've not been happier with any other light!

As far as the search being over...lights are too much fun to stop now!

....and based on all the loyal owners' comments about the Novatac 120P, I may just have to look into it as my "backup" "EDC...:grin2:
Mine is very frosted, but look straight on...nothing, you gota get JUST the right angle to see anything at all, but then it's ovbiously there. You're gonna love this light when you get it, mine sees a lot of use.
Mine is very frosted, but look straight on...nothing, you gota get JUST the right angle to see anything at all, but then it's ovbiously there. You're gonna love this light when you get it, mine sees a lot of use.
Does yours look this frosted?

Mine doesn't look like this no matter what angle I look at it with. I think they released two versions of this lens. I am actually happy to have the less-frosted version, but at times would like to have more of a floody beam. So....I'm getting the F04 beam diffuser for my L1 so I can have my cake and eat it too! :)
I just bought an L1 a couple of weeks ago and mine is totally clear. Some more spill would be nice, but what you lose in spill you gain in throw. Despite the lower lumen rating, my L1 seems to illuminate targets at a distance slightly more brightly than either my 120p or my P2D Rebel 100 on turbo. It makes a nice companion to the more floody 120p

I sold my last generation L1 because I hated the oddly tinted weird square beam. This new version is a huge step up. It's a great little light.

And I´m still waiting for mine... Probably it is flying some place over Atlantic Ocean, inside a post office plane...

And I hope mine has crystal clear lens!

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