Quick RA Clicky Operation Question


Newly Enlightened
Aug 31, 2008
I've read through the manual and searched but haven't found the answer to this. Apologies if I missed something along the way.

I have a RA Clicky Tactical 170. When the light comes on, it comes on at the burst output and then drops to 120 lm after 10 seconds. Is there any way to jump from the 170 to the 120 without having to wait the 10 seconds? Two quick clicks gets you to the med setting and three gets you to the low.

Thanks and Peace
I've read through the manual and searched but haven't found the answer to this. Apologies if I missed something along the way.

I have a RA Clicky Tactical 170. When the light comes on, it comes on at the burst output and then drops to 120 lm after 10 seconds. Is there any way to jump from the 170 to the 120 without having to wait the 10 seconds? Two quick clicks gets you to the med setting and three gets you to the low.

Thanks and Peace

Yes, this is an undocumented feature in the paperwork, but was discovered by a CPF member. For this feature to work, the burst mode MUST be set to the level that is accessed by click + press, hold. If this is the case, access the burst as usual by doing a click press hold, once you have let go and are in burst mode, you can then access 120lm output by holding down the button as though you are accessing your high level and letting go. It will automatically jump down to 120lm.

Hope this helps!

I have a similar question with my new 170-T
It first turns on in burst 170, then steps down,
How do you get it back to burst without turning it off or cycling through all settings?

Last edited:
I have a simular question with my new 170-T
It first turns on in burst 170, then steps down,
How do you get it back to burst without turning it off or cycling through all settings?

Hold down the clicky. It will stay on burst until you let go! Or, turn the light off and then back on again for another 10 seconds of burst.

I have a simular question with my new 170-T
It first turns on in burst 170, then steps down,
How do you get it back to burst without turning it off or cycling through all settings?


The on-line manual states:

your flashlight will turn on burst output whenever you select the
High brightness setting. After 10 seconds of burst output, the output is
reduced by one brightness level to the one-hour output level. You can
return to burst output for another 10 seconds by press-hold-releasing

the button.

You will note, however, that doing this will also activate the strobe for as long as you are holding down the button. Your other option is to double click down to the next lowest setting and then double click back up.