RayOVac 1 watt LED looks like SF e2e


Aug 27, 2004
Magnolia, Mississippi
I paid $18.99 for a RayoVac LED flashlight today. It is aluminum framed and about the size of an E2E. I fell in love with it so far. It is basically an e2e of somewhat lesser quality but still very functional. Very pleasing to the eye and in the hand. I am sold on it. It runs on 2 AA's. Even the annodozing on the aluminum body looks good. Anyone else seen or bought these? They have the pocket clip like my E2E and everything. I think I'll buy three more. They are really like an e2e even when held side by side and compare them.
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All I can say is, get the 3-Watt!!! These are both nice lights, and they're good cost/output ratio...my 3-watt one is still one of my favorite cheapy's, and is an excellent light for the $25 price tag! Once the batteries start going though, just replace them...or the constant flickering will drive you nuts! :hairpull:...Good lights though!
Are you talking about the 1 watt with the reflector or the collimator? I have both the reflectored 1 watt and 3 watt (btoh manufactured by Nuwai, actually). The 3 watt is actually not that much brighter than the 1 watt, and the 3 watt has a bit of a purplish pinkish tint which I was not very fond of, plus only gets 45 minutes regulated on 2 Alkaline AA's, whereas the 1 watt will give about 3 hours regulated (5 hrs stated on package, only if using 2000 mAh nimh's) which is why I gave away the 3 watt as a gift to a good friend of mine. He likes it quite a bit as he is not a flashaholic, but still can appreciate a good light.
Is it the one on the right or left?
The one on the right comes in 3 watt or 1 watt. The one on the left comes only in 1 watt. Both come in camo or other finish.
Both run on 2 AA.

All I can say is, get the 3-Watt!!! These are both nice lights, and they're good cost/output ratio...my 3-watt one is still one of my favorite cheapy's, and is an excellent light for the $25 price tag! Once the batteries start going though, just replace them...or the constant flickering will drive you nuts! :hairpull:...Good lights though!

I say stay with the 1 watt, as the battery life is MUCH better, the tint is MUCH better, and the brightness is nearly the same (perception wise)

I have both the 1 watt and 3 watt. My 3 watt is MUCH brighter than the 1 watt. The 3 watt will run 2 hours and 20 minutes on Duracell rechargeables. I have not done a test on the 1 watt yet.

They both put out a very bright very white light.
The one I bought and posted in reference to is the one on the right in the picture. I am still impressed that I got this light for less than $20 bucks. I'm glad others like it too.
There is a Camo light a LOT like the one on the right at Target stores. My Target Camo 3W has better tint than my Walmart Silver 3W.

Of course the 1W has the best tint of the 3.

But the Camo 3W works pretty good out in the real world in quality dark!
Is it the one on the right or left?
The one on the right comes in 3 watt or 1 watt. The one on the left comes only in 1 watt. Both come in camo or other finish.
Both run on 2 AA.


Wow - the one on the left is a reincarnated Costco light from two years ago. I still have a few laying around, and my son loves them. Pretty nice lights for the money. I'll have to buy one of the ones on the right and try them out.
I agree with Marduke, in post # 6.

+1 :thumbsup:

The 3-watt version isn't that much brighter,
and really drains yer' batteries a whole lot faster.

I have 'em both, and i prefer (and recommend) the 1-watt version.

That 1 watt light is quite nice, esp. considering the price. I don't have the 3 watt to compare it to.
Sgt. LED, on alkalines the 2AA 3 watt is over 2 times the overall output of the Q3, but you get why the alks only run for 45 minutes. The thing I like about this light, and this can be regarding either the 1 watt or 3 watt though I prefer the 1 watt, is that the defocusing actually works quite well to provide a nice flood. Flashlightreviews.com states that it does nothing but put a small hole in the beam, but this is both true and false. The hole in the beam is indeed small, but if you notice, the flood / spillbeam gets QUITE a bit brighter, providing actually a sweet flood with not much of a hole in the center, way better than a Mag's donut flood IMO. The reflector transfers the light from the hotspot in spot mode to the spill in flood mode pretty nicely.
My 1 watt doesn't flicker when the batteries get low....but the light will suddenly go out. So it's got really good regulation, which lends to the surprise when the batteries run out. Otherwise, I kinda like the momentary tail switch with twist on.
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I've got the 3Watt, and you should get one too. Its a solid light,
Nice looking light. People have been asking for quite a while for SF to make lights in AA which I don't really expect to happen. If I run across one I will check it out. Are they in the usual places like Target and Walmart?