RSF (Really Strict Forum)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2007
Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, UK
Personally, I think CPF is the best forum I have ever had the pleasure of being part of. But for those of you who do stray to other forums, have you noticed that some of them are REALLY strict? I couldn't get away with half the stuff here on forum, for example. Yet, despite the absense of moderation, there seems to be no grudges or gripes between members of this forum. I guess if we are treated like adults, we will act accordingly.
The CPF seems to strike a good balance. If too much latitude were allowed, some members (like me) would stray into the gray areas too often. Yes, sometimes it seems the window into the management's minds is a bit opaque, but as they've stated: we members don't always have the facts or know what's going on behind the curtain.

I'm pleased that the CPF has the atmosphere and feeling of being in a family. Non virtual families can have more and worse problems than what's encountered, here, in the digitized form.
Have you seen some of the moderator's avatars? :duck:

I think they are trying to scare us out of misbehaving! :laughing:
I belong to a few places that will not tolerate anything that doesn't fit the narrow scope of the particular forum. I've also seen a few forum sites implode from overmoderation, and one in particular comes to mind (whose name I won't mention) when the Admin Staff decided to initiate and participate in flame wars, etc.

Sometimes, we, the Mod staff do miss some things. But, in the overall picture, I think that's better than having a moderation policy that's overly rigid, and may inhibit good info. from being posted.

On the other hand, there is some responsibility with CPF members to police themselves and have some self control.

EngrPaul said:
Have you seen some of the moderator's avatars? :duck:

I think they are trying to scare us out of misbehaving! :laughing:

I wonder why Dano changed his, the old one was far more intimidating

B@rt said:
Lightbulbs can be scary... :aaa: :crackup: :nana:

theres nothing more scray than a calculating lightbulb :crackup:

only kidding b@rt, I know you mean well, the forum has to be closely monitored in order to achieve what we see today as a smooth flow channel and not the white water rapids:ohgeez:
First of all... thank you MikeSalt... :D

"... absence of moderation..."... I think it's more that you don't see alot of the moderation... not that it's absent. We really do try to do things quietly so as not to disrupt the regular flow and general "harmony" of discussions. Yes, alot does go on "behind the curtain"... as it should be. Even in regular, real live families, I think that is the best way to handle the sometimes unruly relative... ;)
CPF is by Far the best forum around here!
The Flashaholics, Kniveaholics, etc are a terrific bunch!
oh, and the moderators are too!

Illum_the_nation said:
I wonder why Dano changed his, the old one was far more intimidating

Huh...I kind of like the Norse rune, harks back to my Norwegian ancestors..

That last one was a small chunk of cover ar from the latest Iron Maiden CD. I thought it was a bit old...


EngrPaul said:
Have you seen some of the moderator's avatars? :duck:

I think they are trying to scare us out of misbehaving! :laughing:
Have you seen the avatar of CPF moderator Unforgiven? :green: :duck: One of the most street-wise avatars EVER! :lolsign:

In my opinion CPF is one of the best forums I have never visited and that is mainly due to very good management! :thumbsup:

I really like the way CPF is moderated. I've been to several forums and didn't bother to join simply because it was acceptable for everyone to behave like four year olds. Ridiculous. Too much bovine excrement flying around and the few bits of information you seek gets buried in the avalanche. This is a *good* forum.
