Sams HID problem. Help!


Feb 16, 2007
Syracuse, New York
Hey guys, I just received a pob from ebay for 25 + shipping, but it doesn't work. It clicks very loudly when I try to charge it. I tried searching for this, and the only thing I found was to check the battery to see if a wire fell off. Both are on. Any other thoughts? Thanks in advance!
I can help you with this. BOTH of the ones my brother received had this problem.

I am 100% certain this is the problem.

The battery connection came off inside. You have to open it and reconnect it. It's a little difficult because of the way they stuffed the battery and wiring in a tight space. It's probably the wire you can't see that is disconnected.
Thanks, any idea how to get to it? I tried shoving my fat hands in there, but I couldn't feel anything loose. I am assuming its on the left side when looking into the battery compartment. The head is held on by screws with a triangle shaped head indentation. :thinking:
Sorry . . . my brother is the one who did this. I've never opened mine. I'm at work right now but if I can I'll ask him more about it. All I remember was him saying it was a pain to work on.

He never even opened the first one. He went through the warranty replacement process only to have the second one come that way. It must be an east coast thing. He's in VA.
Remove the two screws on the back and twist off the end. The battery will slide out giving you better access to the wires. It works best to set the light upright on the bezel when putting the battery back in (with wires attached). The wires have to go to the side of the battery if I remember right.

I hope this helps. I have had a few that have done this.

Sorry, I just noticed you said the terminals on the battery were connected. When you take the battery out, you should be able to see inside fairly easy. Hopefully you can fix without taking off the bezel. When you take the battery out, if one of the wires come out with it, that is the one not connected:)
Also there is a fuse in there.
If thats ok you'll have to pull the front off with a security driver.
Also you can charge battery outside of light with a 12 volt charger that delivers up to 1 watt.
Thanks for all of the help guys! It's looking like i'm gonna have to find that driver and open the bad boy up.:mecry:

IIR some folks mentioned getting this driver bit as part of a small set for about $4 from Harbor Freight last year. Don't know if they still have it or for what price though.