Scenario: UFOs are landing, what do you do?

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2006
Los Angeles, Calif.
I'm sure a lot of you caught that movie "SIGNS" a few years ago one of the most-fun movies I've seen. Once in a while I discuss the hostile alien takeover scenario with friends for poots and giggles.


It's August. For the past week the TV news has been dominated by stories of what appear to be spacecraft approaching Earth. We know they're spacecraft because they are decelerating and their trajectory looks as though it's designed for orbit rather than collision. The craft do not respond to radio calls or any other attempts at communication. Due to the uncertainty of the situation, the world stock markets have closed as have most companies employing primarily "white collar" workers. The retail markets are still open, and business is booming because people are preparing for an impending disaster (crash, attack, EOTWAWKI, etc.).

It's Thursday morning, 2:30 when the alien craft land. EBEs in enviro suits emerge from the ships, armed with light weapons, and they are rounding up humans for capture. The EBE's intentions, strengths, weaknesses and capabilities are completely unknown to all on Earth... they could be rounding people up to dust their feet with honey dust, or they could have a copy of Homer Simpson's "How To Cook A Human" on the shelf. ;-)

Do you live in an area where the noise of pandemonium wake you up? Are you even sleeping at this time? Do you head for the mountains? Stand and defend? Hide? Defend your perimeter with a sniper rifle? Call up your local militia buddies and engage the enemy on search-and-destroy missions??

Please answer according to YOUR habits and living conditions.
I observe, with a loaded shotgun near me 24 hours a day. Shooting one of them will be my last resort, but I'm not going to be "rounded up."

Oh... and I crack a beer and watch the TV coverage of our military gettin'-r-dun. :D
they won't take me alive.... So says my 12 guage...

and if they do manage to get me onboard, i'm pullin out the ol' 686 wheelgun and hijackin' the ship. And when i run out of ammo, i'm pistol whippin' em...
Small problem in the description…. If they had started herding humans, there would already have been some sort of resistance as is normal with human behaviour, resistance increases inline with oppression

I would watch the resistance, watch our alien visitors, slip aboard a ship and document everything and perhaps score a 'light weapon" or anything else that seemed useful. Leave a note with a 5er thanking them for the weapon\toys, explain money and trade(to get goodies back) and ask their intention.

I would also ensure i could defend my self against humans as people are bleedin idiots in a crisis!
Probably nothing anyone can do so I would just go on, business as usual. If they come in peace then wonderful. If not, their technology is probably so far beyond ours it'll all be over in a matter of hours. I somehow doubt any species would come trillions of miles just to wipe us out, or to take our resources. There's probably billions of planets out there with similar resources. Most likely have no intelligent life. Putting this another way, would we travel to Alpha Centauri just to take over whatever sentient species happened to be there? I don't think so. Hollywood blockbusters aside, any species advanced enough for intersteller travel has likely long since overcame any tendencies towards violence. Even here on Earth, war is slowly but surely going out of style as a means of solving problems.

And on another note, any alien invaders would be taking a huge chance assuming man is the only intelligent life. Suppose the Earth had much more advanced beings capable of hiding their existence from the invaders until it was too late? I know that thought would certainly cross my mind if I were sent to invade an Alpha Centauri where the apparently most advanced beings were still wearing loinclothes.
First I modify the semi M4 and AK to full in the neighbors machine shop. Then load up the 870 with home brew 3" magnesium ammo for a warm welcome. then I start looking up all of the Improvised Munitions books and some terror web sites, if they are up for IED information. Head for the mountains, put on the gilly suit and wait.

If all that doesn't work, I'll just check into rehab like everyone else for treatment of delusions and hallucination. :sick:

Live long and prosper....:xyxgun:
I would encourage the politicians in my area to meet the aliens to show our good will. I wouldn't mind sending most of the CA state assembly for the monumental mission :devil:

that and get the biggest boom box i can find and find some Bjork tapes and starting jamming. if you guys have extra D-cell batteries send them my way please...

(I can't be the only one that saw Sara Jessica Parker merged with a chihuahua)
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First I modify the semi M4 and AK to full in the neighbors machine shop. Then load up the 870 with home brew 3" magnesium ammo for a warm welcome. then I start looking up all of the Improvised Munitions books and some terror web sites, if they are up for IED information. Head for the mountains, put on the gilly suit and wait.

If all that doesn't work, I'll just check into rehab like everyone else for treatment of delusions and hallucination. :sick:

Live long and prosper....:xyxgun:

and the ATF chopper arrives at your house in 3, 2, 1...
(wouldn't a semi M4 be an oxymoron?)
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Somehow I would just have to ask the question to the first alien as he disembarked from his flying saucer...."That thing got a hemi???" :D

Other then that lock and load would be the theme of the day as would keeping low profile.
..I already splained this to you guys; all they want is our poop. think about it. that's why they allow us to breed out of all proportion on this planet, as long as we keep providing them with their preciaous poop, it's all cool. they withdraw the poop from the ocean at night where we can't see them..
if they're landing on our soil, it must mean something is wrong with your (couldn't be my) poop. probably the Chinese toothpaste.

in any case it wouldn't hurt to have your victrola wound up and ready to spin out

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