"secret" modes in L2D?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2007
Southern UK
It's fairly simple.... What you do is you get the head it's right on the edge of turbo/normal, then you push in, pull out, etc., so it flashes turbo-normal quickly. After you've done that for 10 to 15 seconds, one of 3 things will happen:

Sticks on turbo- single mode. Corrected by turning the light off for 2+ seconds
Turns off- corrected by letting it rest (off) for a minute or two
Low low- corrected by letting it rest (off) for a minute or two. (direct drive?)

Can anyone explain this to me? I discovered it when I had the diffuser on, and it hit a wall, flashed low-turbo-low-turbo very briefly then turned off. I experimented and discovered the other two effects... It's fairly replicable.
I was able to get it to stick in permanent turbo mode, but not sure how I did it.

What you do is you get the head it's right on the edge of turbo/normal, then you push in, pull out, etc., so it flashes turbo-normal quickly.

Can you please elaborate further on this process? I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by 'push in, pull out, etc'

If you push it in, then the head moves towards the body enough to put it in turbo mode. If you pull it out, then the head moves away from the body, and it drops back to "normal" mode.
Hmm, I managed to make mine get stuck in turbo mode (turbo with both tight and loose head) but it was corrected by tapping the switch.
i did this but differently and by accident

i was making a plastic reverse polarity washer for the L2d head and when i was gluing the washer to head i wanted to speed up the drying process to test it out and when i blasted compressed air from a Can into it some of the cold " liquid nitrogen " yeah i know its Co2 , excess sprayed in there ....i let it dry for a minute and put the head back on and it was stuck in 1 Level which seemed like high or turbo , i was so worried something went bad but confused as it seemed to work fine as when i tap the tail it switches levels but just stayed at a bright level but it did go sos and strobe ....anyway i figure the liquid nitro was the culprit and hoped if i let it completely dry overnight it would fix itself and it did ,my L2d is back to normal
Can anyone explain this to me?

I believe that's called a failure mode, although most manufacturers would call it operator error. :devil:
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I have tried this quite a few times just today and have not been able to get anything unusual to happen, it just goes to turbo or to low (depending if the head is tightened or loosened) even if I do it for a minute or so.

I wonder if it only happens with some L2Ds.:thinking:
Mine still does it, took me about 10 seconds to make it happen... It's all about speed- you have to do it really fast, else it'll just go normal-turbo ad infinitum.
Mine still does it, took me about 10 seconds to make it happen... It's all about speed- you have to do it really fast, else it'll just go normal-turbo ad infinitum.
Thanks, I have been trying for 3 whole hours now and I still can't get it to work!
It must be too windy outside or something...
lol! Must be a batch thing- mines about a year old, GB 512629, I think it's the batch just after the turbo mode flash was fixed.
I suspect that has something to so with it. I got mine in Dec 2007 with the number GB623039. I didn't have the chance to try it out on my other one before I sold it.

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