SF M6 FM 3X17670 & WA 1185!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 9, 2005
Houston, Texas
Received the final piece of my puzzle yesterday which was the WA1185 lamps. I waited until dark and fired up the M6. WOW!!!!! You could shine a spot on the moon with this set up. Just curious to get everyone else's impressions and approximate runtimes.

just for curiosity....how much is the total resistance of a SF M6 compared to a Mag?


I would imagine runtime would be similar to a Mag running CBP 1650's but might be a little less due to there being less resistance in a M6 more than likely. this of course is depending on if there are any resistance mods done to the mag.

Got my bulbs from Greg yesterday but haven't tried them out yet. I've been using the LF HO-M6R, which is pretty darned good. Based on your comments, I'm anxious to see how the 1185s do. Sounds like it could do double duty making popcorn or roasting chicken... :faint:
I'm still contemplating whether to butcher my 17670s running 3+ amps through them or just spend a little more and buy 3 AW "C" cells and a spacer of some sort:whistle:

How many washer shims did you use to seat the lamp correctly?
Actually I didn't use any shims. I held a MN60 next to my bi-pin holder and adjusted the WA1185 until the height of the filament matched that of the MN60. After that I just tightened the allen screw and that was it. As for the 17670, I still have some old AW cells that do not have the higher trip setting. I have to double pump them to get the WA1185 to fire up. However,once it does it is like a Saturn V rocket. Pure energy!!!!!!!!
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Actually I didn't use any shims. I held a MN60 next to my bi-pin holder and adjusted the WA1185 until the height of the filament matched that of the MN60.

I completely forgot about the set screw, I was like...wow, an added bonus tool courtsey of FM to pry out blown lamps :thumbsup:
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This set-up run for about 22-24 minutes on my brand new cells, with a 15 minute rest in between. It will run a few minutes longer but it very dim by then and I find it pointless to beat the batteries into the dirt for a little bit of orange light.

No spacers in mine either Illum the nation. The height was just right when I seated the bulb.
I tried it...no go.
I have two new 17670s and one old 17670....that old cell, as predicted, shut itself down on the first try :shakehead 0.0V on the Multi Meter before returning after getting DSD'd twice

time to buy some cells :lolsign:

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