(short) questions to am Maglite 6D P7-Mod


Newly Enlightened
Nov 4, 2009
I'm planing to bulit a P7-mod Maglite.
I just wanted to know if I got everything right.
Maybay you could get me a short "ok", or "not ok, because..." on the points, if you like.

1. I've got a SSC P7 LED from DX: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.11809
2. Driver from kaidomain: http://www.kaidomain.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductId=9534
3. I want to buy a P7 HAIII "D"-heatsink from H22A: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=203235
4. Thermal Glue from DX: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.4579
5. A normal 6D-Maglite

Do I need anything else?
And can I use 6D-Cell alkalines, or are the to weak considering the amperes? If they are to weak, can I use 6 rechargeable NiMh-batteries instead?

Greetings from Germany,
SYP tint bin for that DX P7 bare emitter is rather blue-greenish. SWO and SVN are better tints, but unfortunately not available on DX or KD. KD does have a C flux bin, SXO tint bin, I voltage bin (CSXOI) P7 for about $20. KD also has a DSXOJ-bin for $21. With 6 D cells, the small difference in I vs J voltage bin is probably minor. SXO tint should be better than SYP.


You need some good batteries to power the light at full power. Straightforward choice is a quality D NiMH (e.g., Accupower), or possibly AA Eneloops inside of D shell adapters.

I personally am very wary of any high powered (e.g., 2.8A) KD driver. But there aren't a lot of inexpensive 2.8A buck driver options. You could try the DX 20330 driver. People seem to have success with it, despite the diode being run out of spec. Another possibility is the der Wichtel buck driver.
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As Justin Case just pointed out, you could have done better with a different P7. However, since you have it already, I say light it up.

Maybe order 2 Heatsinks, one for the SYP LED and one if you get the itch (And you probably will) one for a later mod or to mount the other tint P7 (if you decide to get it). This is a good way to save money too, pay once for Shipping.

I have bought 4 Heatsinks from BriteLumens.com now. 2 are in my Mag 4D's and two more are coming soon.:)

Do you already have the 6 D Maglite? I would say IF you do not, maybe go to a 4D. At times I find my Three 4 D's Bulky, that is why I recently got a 2 D Maglite.;)
Thanks for your answers so far.
I didn't know there were differet P7s.
Now its too late... :) So I'm gonne use the one I have.

So if I get the Heatsink and some good NiMH Batteries I' ready to go, right?
Or is anything missing?

Next week a german dicounter sells NiMh-batterys for 2,59€ for 2 pices.
Do you think I should give it a try. They thould have 4.000MAh.
Often they sell brand products which are only labeld in an other way.

Do you already have the 6 D Maglite? I would say IF you do not, maybe go to a 4D. At times I find my Three 4 D's Bulky, that is why I recently got a 2 D Maglite.;)
No, I don't have one yet. But i had one in my hands and I'm aware thats its quite bulky, but thats just fine.
You could use it as kind of baton if you had to.
Since the last change in the german weaponslaw (is that the right word?) you are not allowed to carry batons, but its ok to carry a flashlight, even if its a 6D maglite. ;)
Also I can get a brand new one here for 33€ which is a very good price in my opinion.
If I want to carry something more lightweight I can use my SST-50 light I bought at DX.
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I would not suggest the Batteries from ALDI. We have a ALDI here in the US too. The things OTHER than groceries I would not buy there. :huh:

I am planning on buying some ACCUPOWER Accuevolution batteries for my 4D setups. They offer 10,000 mAh vs. the ones you are looking at that provide a mere 4,000 mAh.

When you get into the NiMh arena you need to look at a decent charger.
Two good choices are Accumanager20 or Maha C808m. Both of these are on the more $$ side.:rolleyes:

If you have the Teflon Wire, Thermal Glue to mount the emitter, and the Cermique type stuff (for the heat transfer from the Heast Sink to the Maglite body) then you all set I think.

I follow your on the weapon idea, so good luck.:thumbsup:
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If you have the Teflon Wire, Thermal Glue to mount the emitter, and the Cermique type stuff (for the heat transfer from the Heast Sink to the Maglite body) then you all set I think.
I ve got Thermal Glue from dx, I hope its ok. http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.4579
What is telflon wire? I have got some kind of teflon band, which is normaly used seal threats and stuff. Is it that what you mean? If yes, what do I need it for?
And I must confess I have no idea what "cermique type stuff" is...
Did you mean thermique? But even then I have no idea wahta it is... :)

Thermal Compound Grease:

Thermal Adhesive:

You can use these for a reference, you do not have to buy here or even buy the same brand. It is just kind of what you need.:cool:

The above links are what I used Exactly for my projects.

The Glue you have seems to be fine, as far as I can tell.

Have you seen this thread? The First page is :rock:.
Ahhh, now I know what you meant.
I've got thermal grease from a computer-store, that should be ok I think.
What would happen if I use "normal" wire instead of the teflon one?

Thanks for the link to the threat. I didn't know that one.

So i only nead the heatsink and maybe the teflonwire and I'm ready to go.
The computer grease from the store should be good.

The teflon sleeved wire is used so that the insulation does not overheat, melt, create a short, and :poof: stuff.

Yes, you should be good to go after you have the Heatsink and the Wire.

After you build it come back and let us know how it went.:twothumbs

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