Small Batch of Tri-EDC's


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2003
I have a small batch of Tri-EDC's available. These bodies where a powercoat trial run. The coatings came out pretty good but not perfect :)

Lights available

0x Matte Black (The Coach, jgraham15, cloggy, scout24)
0x Orange Textured (Light11)
0x Black Textured (ledcarry)
0x Purple (Shado)
0x Lime Green (has some black specs) (JMP)

Price $249 plus shipping ($5 US $13 International) each with your choice of 4500k or 6500k Light Engines. Post which one your are taking in this thread. Paypal payments can be sent to [email protected] YOU MUST include a description of your purchase AND cpf username.

These lights 100% require an IMR R123 cell the modes are 2% 10% 100%. I would guess output on 100% would be around 6-700 lumens. High should be used sparingly as with a light of this size it gets warm pretty quickly.

These have the Lux-RC 3 level modules. There is a small bug with these boards that causes a flash between level changes this is a known issue and will be fixed when the next batch is made.

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Christ I can't really afford it, and my wife will probably kill me, but I'll take the orange one!

Make mine a 4500K :)

DAMN! I just saw Light11 beat me by a minute! :( I'll backup for the orange one.
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I'll take a Matte Black with the 6500k engine with insurance as long as the bug is not a fatal flaw.

The Flash when changing modes is in all the multi-level light engines from Lux-RC. Fatal Flaw? There are hundreds of them out there now and I have not heard of any failure's.



I changed mine to Purple right after I posted. It's on my PayPal as Purple. Could you please change me?

Thanks Again
I'll take lime green . Can I send you a USPS money order?
I'll take a matte black one with 4500k! PM on the way.

ETA: :paypal:
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One of those purple ones would be great for the missus... then I could get one of my Haiku XP-G's back :laughing:

Great work Mac! :thumbsup:
That lime green is Coooool. I guess I will wait till the next run, no black for
me, maybe another green or Titanium if the full run has them.