I have not had any luck whatsoever sharpening the harder stainless knives with stones. Diamond laps do a good job, but they leave a nasty finish requiring an extra polishing step if you desire.
Even though Smith's advertises their blade-holding method is "precise," it really isn't. The next time you put the blade in the holder, if it is not the exact same depth as the last time, your sharpening angle will have changed. It also does not do well with double-edged blades.
It's an okay device, but you have to be super-careful when you use it. I have actually taken to coating my blade with Dykem (an indicator dye) to ensure the cuts to the steel are in the same place they were the last time. It can take 10 minutes to get it right! Then I'll polish the blades with a stone, and then mirror-shine the edge on a paper wheel.