I've been following HID for awhile now and I expected a long time ago that we would have some pretty nice handheld HID's by now that would blow away something like a Surefire M6. But the only ones I see out there are few and far between.
Well, lights like you describe exist now, maybe just not in the brand or color temperature that you prefer. Battery, ballast and bulb technology is about as small as it's going to get for the time being so no significant changes or miniature components are going to revolutionize the size of a 35W HID into the size of an M6. The Boxer 24W is only very slightly larger than the M6, is double the output of the MN21, runs for 50+ minutes, is rechargeable and has a decent track record.
The only reason that the N30 and L35 came about was because a CPF enthusiast made it a point to use 4200K bulbs during the developmental stages. I'm sure it took some string pulling to locate a manufacturer who would supply the 4200s at a reasonable price. Since they're automotive based designs the color temperature in that watt range probable made it easier to attain, which wouldn't be the case with the smaller, lower watt bulbs like the 25W class. It seems that they're only made in the higher temperatures.
The MicroFire doesn't have a very good quality rep.
I don't think they have too bad of a rep among CPFers either. They're fairly respected and offer a lot more consistency than G&P or the other ebay specials. I haven't heard many Microfire horror stories of the top of my head and personally, my Microfire has been good and so was the Boxer that I owned. I consider the AE lights a step above the previously mentioned and there is a choice of several more compact units including the Xenide 20W. It's reasonably priced, sized and beats the M6 for both run-time and output.
Btw, how hard is it to make an HID Maglite?
It isn't, for guys with the tools and know how. The main issue or restriction there is the size. The internal dimensions within a mag only alow for tiny components such as the WA Solarc. The 10W and 14W output are about 600 and 1000 lumens respectively but WA doesn't make 4200K bulbs either. Both the Mac's Customs Mini HID's
http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=206782 and the Eznite could be considered to be on par with M6 performance. Both lights will have better run time too.
It's possible that non-established entrepreneur might develop a hight quality, compact, 24-35W 4200K, housed in a compact alloy chassis of conventional form, for a good price..... but highly unlikely. The cost of research and manufacture is just too expensive and the market too small. Especially when LED technology is becoming more potent every day. A current manufacturer like Polarion could develop a small 25W light but remember that high quality = high cost. Surefire is also due to release two models of "compact" HID but once again the cost may be prohibitive, they probably won't use 4200K bulbs, and they won't be rechargeable.
Considering all of the technical and monetary HID obstacles in the way, one of the existing options might not be so bad if you're willing to waive an objection or two. The L35, WE Boxer, Microfire, Mac's Customs, and Eznite are just a few choices despite not being your dream light.